Page 193 of King of Shadows

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—Well, will you put on the movie?

—Yes, I control the projector with my cell phone, you choose a movie.

It shows me a wide variety of movies that I can choose from, without hesitation I choose Pride and Prejudice, even though it is highly praised, I will always like it. The movie begins, he reaches into the back seat to offer me a bag of candy with a couple of sugary drinks.

Entertained, I stare at the screen, I make a combination of sweets in my hand to put them in my mouth, I stare for a long time until I see a certain hand that wants to approach me to steal a sweet.

—Hey no, here's more.

—You have them in your hand, they must be shared, Emily.

—Are you shared?

-Of course! —He challenges me—. The time you got out of bed you stole a couple of fruits from my bowl that was covered in hazelnut cream and colorful sprinkles.

-I was hungry!

—And I do the same, you know I like sweets!

"But..." he threatens me with his look, "ugh, it's okay, don't eat the acids, I like those."

—I just don't like those.

He takes a handful of licorice, very sugary sweets, and leaves the acids for me. When he is about to put his hand in I hit him by slapping him.

—You took ten, you left me with four.

-Do not lie! —He scolds me—. I ate three, you have the bags and you keep filling your hands with candy.

—Are you going to steal my sodas too?

—Do you think the sweets are going to come down in jumps, or what?


I open the bag and take out two sodas, but we both take the orange one, I push the sparkling mineral water with a hint of lemon towards him.

—No, but that is natural water!

—It's what the lemonade was made of, I don't like it, I like the orange one—we both held our hands to the supposedly natural juice orange soda—. Give it to me!

—No, it's mine Salvatore, you bought it for me!

—No, I bought you the natural one because you already have a lot of sugar.

—Says the diabetic who makes fruit dishes with hazelnut cream, three tablespoons to be exact, and who pours colorful sprinkles in heaps.

I'm still hanging on, we both pull because this is definitely a challenge and I don't want to drink plain carbonated water, I want orange juice full of sugar that will make me grind my teeth when the movie ends.

—At least I eat fruit!

—Because the athletic man doesn't want to lose the chocolate bar he has in his abdomen.

—You should lick it since you like sweet things so much!

—I'll only do it if you leave me the orange soda.
