Page 215 of King of Shadows

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—I know, princess.

—Problems in the waiting room? —We nod our heads—. There are always them for different reasons, here we doctors have no opinion because the patients are the ones who are always right and it is good for a woman to help another go through this important moment in life, an abortion, a birth or whatever. Making it happen requires your own sensible decisions and around here you see a lot of the obligation of other people so that everyone follows the same thought. Anyway, let's go see that baby.

The truth is that I no longer wanted to think about it, everyone has the right to their opinion until it becomes an abuse of power, intelligence, manipulation and other important areas. That girl was close to collapsing because of someone else's unjustified opinion, being called a slut because of the lady's language, however, who would know that her contraceptive methods had failed?

They place the gel on my abdomen making me laugh at the cold that spreads across my skin, Salvatore puts a piece of paper on the edge of my jeans so they don't get stained and we both look at the screen.

—Good, it's a good size, it's developing quite well.

—Are you in a position to be seen?

asks , quite curious, for weeks he wanted to know what it was and even made small bets with his brothers where they exchanged a few euros, watches or cars. Today could be the day it was revealed and our list of names had already been prepared in advance to reach this moment where we would have a name if it was a girl and a name if it was a boy.

—I'm going to count fingers, to see if we are complete in terms of hands and feet.

The doctor takes several shots, smiles when she apparently finishes counting and Salvatore takes me by the hand, a clear indication of her desperation to now know the sex of our baby.

—Do you want to know now?

"Yes," I answer excitedly , "we're eager to know."

—What were your names for your baby?

“Eunice Marino, it's a girl,” Salvatore says proudly. And Brando Marino is a boy.

The doctor finishes the ultrasound, Salvatore passes the paper over my abdomen to clean me and sits me down, we both look anxiously at the doctor who already has the photographs in her hand.

—Congratulations, Brando Marino will be a very loved baby.

We both hug each other, letting the laughter mix in the office, when the whole party is over, the doctor gives us the latest reports and data that we need to know. When I leave the office I go with a big smile on my lips and he hugs me on the side of my hip, he places kisses on my cheeks, we tell Nadia and Guillermo the news and they congratulate us.

When we get to the car we let Fran know who also congratulates us, we leave in our vehicle and I put on some music and then take out a cereal bar covered in chocolate.

—We will have a little one at home, principessa.

—Dom and Gin will be so happy to know the sex of the baby, they will already have an idea of what they can buy for our son, I'm too happy about this, aren't you?

"Just because I don't express it doesn't mean I'm not emotional, I'm dying inside, love." He leans down to kiss my head. You make me happy and I will not hesitate to teach you everything you have to learn about life to be a good leader of the clan if you want because I will not force you to belong to our world.

—I like that, if she had been a girl, would you have trained her to be a leader?

-Clear! Within the mafia, when you equal or even exceed the level of power of a man, you are a complete leader regardless of whether you are a woman, because when you want to lead, you go and take everything, you take over what belongs to you regardless of prejudices.

That ultimately makes me laugh because whether it was a boy or a girl we would both have loved him equally, even if Brando Marino is on the way, we know that he will receive all the love we have for him. I bring my hand closer making her bite a piece of the chocolate cereal bar when I look at her I turn to look at him again.

—You almost finished my cereal bar, Salvatore.

—Let's not start the discussions, please.

—But you left me with nothing!

—God, love, I'll end up beating myself up for the tantrums you throw at me.

"I'm not, your baby is too sensitive," I caress my abdomen. And you have to put up with me because you put this baby in me, even though it's going to be born in four months.

He rolls his eyes, opens the glove compartment and takes out two more bars that he places on my thighs, making me completely happy. This time I don't give him anything because he finishes them in one bite, puts his hand on my knee and opens his mouth.

—No, because you finish them.
