Page 28 of King of Shadows

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—And they haven't told you?

He lets out a sarcastic laugh that leaves me with a great response.

—We were close, until that happened and I tried to rebuild our relationship, but he didn't want to, he said he didn't have the time for any of that. He only has time for business—he turns to look out the window—sometimes I think you could be a great option. When that day arrived she just locked herself in, the next day she was as if nothing had happened and a few months ago she told us about you as a woman of challenges that she needed in her hands to protect and play with you a little.

-Oh really? —I question somewhat incredulously—. I thought I didn't have time for that.

—He has time for the others and for you who are not even close to a normal girl, however, he doesn't have time for his family—she raises her shoulders disinterested—. We knew that he had been attracted to you and my brothers believe that it will be something temporary, maybe they fuck, maybe they hate each other and look for each other every night or maybe they love each other and are something, nobody knows.

I look at the landscape from my window equally, I analyze his words and try to define exactly what it makes me feel, it's all so confusing, so sudden that I don't have the exact answer.

I can say that none of that will happen, but it is my challenge and I can make Salvatore Marino end up falling in love with me and then break his heart if I want.

Every time I think about it, I get more interested in that crazy idea.

—Salvatore was interesting, a man willing to lead the game with his own rules and I turned him around without him expecting it, at that moment he was someone, someone broken like me.

I hear the movement of his hair as he turns his head again to see me.

—It was a bad night for both of us, one night was enough for everything to happen so quickly and I can tell you that we were both very different people that night , we were the most broken people in the place.

—Why were you broken?

—Because my boyfriend had done everything to destroy my heart, I felt so bad that when I looked in the mirror that night in a restaurant bathroom I told myself that I didn't deserve anything, that I didn't deserve to be loved, that I didn't deserve a partner and that Nor was I the woman that all men were going to want because he replaced me so many times, making it clear to me that I was the worst piece of shit he could ever meet —sigh—. I wasn't ready to give up on that man and Salvatore that night made me feel the opposite of everything I yelled at myself in the mirror, he made me feel something.

He swallows thickly and tilts his body to face me.

—Why didn't you get out of that relationship sooner?

—It's very easy to say "leave him, break him, he doesn't deserve you" but someone who is inside that relationship is the only person who will know exactly how things are, not outsiders, and I can say that I knew a part of Fabian that I had loved it and was trying to remedy it. —I pause remembering the fights and at the same time the beautiful moments—. While people don't live it, it's easy for them to say things, however, when you live them everything becomes complicated. In the end, that's over for my good and it's better that way.

—Does Salvatore know?

—No, damn it, we don't have a single minute to say if we're in trouble or not, if something's bothering us, if we're having nightmares or not because we're nothing.

"It's bullshit, Emily," he crosses his arms. Fabian should pay for all that, he hurt you.

—I know, and I can heal quickly, my wound on my skin can heal, but my wound on my mind never will.

My words make her reflect, she turns to sit correctly and we wait until we reach the kindergarten where the mothers are already entering with their little ones holding hands for the festival. They don't let us get off until they have the perimeter surrounded, people try to look through the tinted glass.

—Miss Fiore, you can come down.

Says Tamara, the girl with short, chin-length chocolate-colored hair and with quite prominent features that would make you turn around more than twice to see her because she is pretty. She and the other two men join the brothers when we get down and the kids get excited.

The brothers are behind, the security guards are on the sides, and Ginevra stays next to me along with Tamara, who seems quite pleasant. We enter the place and I meet Mirna the director.

—Sweetheart, David told me everything that had happened with your family, are they better?

—Oh, yes, much better.

—And all of them?

"They're my friends," I reply flatly. And they are famous so they must have an escort, they accompanied me because they are kind to me and I have to return to my parents' house to take care of them.


He doesn't believe it when he identifies the Marinos, the advantage is that he hides it and lets us enter. The escorts take down all the gifts wrapped in their respective cellophane bags. I get to my classroom, which is 1°A, and the children get excited when they look at me. I dig my knees into the floor so they can crowd around me.
