Page 29 of King of Shadows

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—Teacher Emily!!

David stays at my desk and his children are also here, I must pay him for all the effort he made in taking care of both groups and even more so with the excursion that I could no longer go on.

—Why did you bring ugly men?

Rudi asks.

—They are my friends, they take care of me.

-About what? —Questions Marcelo—. Have they tried to steal your magical fairy robe?

—Oh, yes, very evil people want to steal my power, that's why they are here. —Convinced, I take them inside the room with their mothers who are waiting for the general gathering. We have had a surprise for all of you.

We begin to distribute the gifts and Ginevra seems very willing , although there are a couple of mothers who snatch them away when they identify the people who were left outside the room. The two brothers analyze me, they see everything I do and how I leave my soul in this job that I love so much.

The children laugh, laugh and show me their paintings with their finished hands and names. We have to wait a few minutes for the celebration to start so I entertain them by giving them a couple of sweets, colors and leaves so they can make a small letter dedicating it to whoever they want.

I approach David and Ginevra introduces herself to him, analyzes her, takes her hand and looks at me again.

"I'm fine, there are things I can't tell you, especially here, but you should know that I'm fine," I emphasize. This is Ginevra, she is very good to me.

-And the others?

"They try their best," she answers. We will not give her a good face so that she takes us as part of her family, we will be exactly as we are so that she can decide for herself.


Try to see inside my mind to know what the hell happened in these days when I was very missing.

—Not here and not now.

I stop seeing the two of them because my beautiful Trixi has her letter in her hand with some crayon drawings.

—Can I see her?


I see a whole entourage of people, me far behind with wings, Gin on one side and the two men who had been covering me from behind stand out. It's Dom and Leone, he drew them and he has a few lines.

«Teacher Emily has powers, she is a magical fairy who has fairy dust and her powers are to paint everything in colors and she taught us to smile to enjoy life.

"You don't seem to enjoy life, maybe it's because you can't do the bathroom properly today, but it will pass and you shouldn't forget to smile."

I smile and more when Ginevra gives her a short glance, I take the hand of my student who has had a difficult life. Her mother died when she gave birth to her and her father ended up collapsing with him inside a job he was doing in Calabria. She lives only with her grandparents who try to give her the best life possible despite her age.

—Can you accompany me to give it to her, professor?

—Sure, who will you give it to?

—Both of them must be shared.

I take her out of the room and they both look at me with a raised eyebrow, she approaches them and has to stretch her entire neck to reach her.

—Teacher Emily let us write a letter to whoever we wanted and I made this for you. —He takes the letter from me and hands it to them—. You can see that they don't smile and they aren't happy in their lives, I haven't been happy in a while and even less so when I get sick because my nose gets clogged with snot, but here you go. They must share it, we must always do so.

Domenico and Leone don't know what to do until I hit Leone's abdomen, he expels the breath of air he was holding in his chest and I smile when I see my student. He goes inca along with his brother to read the letter.

"You made this for... the two of us?"
