Page 3 of King of Shadows

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Let me do it because the pain I feel right now is unbearable.

Because everything will be lost once he takes power.

I get in my car to leave the house, we have several clubs where people have a good time day and night. I don't start doing an analysis, I just go to the first one that is closest to me and leave the car in the parking lot.

I push everyone out of the line, I just go in and go straight to the bar. It's still early for some, although I can already count at least fifty heads dancing along with the music.

—I don't want them to talk to me in the private area, I don't even want the fucking mosquito buzzing in my ears.

I indicate to the bouncer guarding the door to the private area, I go inside so I can take a seat on the large armchairs. The waiter approaches with a covered tray, when he uncovers it I see the bag of coke, I take it and by moving my hand I make it go away.

I form three lines on the surface, outline them with the credit card and roll up one of the bills I have in my wallet so I can get close and vacuum up all this shit.

I inhale every last speck of white dust.

I let it attack my brain, my system, I feel all its effects in my body in a matter of minutes. I close my eyes while listening to the songs they play in the club, I follow the tune by moving my head and I recall every wonderful memory I had while it was just me with my responsibilities.

Now I have double, triple, damn, I don't want to think anymore.

I don't need your nameby Rosenfeld plays throughout the place, I stand up to see the people below and there are more. A couple of friends are having fun, a couple is dancing while touching each other's bodies, and a small woman is at the bar contemplating her drink.

What a bore.

I continue wandering and for some strange reason my eyes fall back on the girl who has black hair, moves her feet with those red heels that stylize her legs. He looks at his watch, looks at the door and nothing. His drink is still full, he contemplates it, runs his fingers over the rim so he can play and distract himself.

Without realizing it I'm already going down the stairs, I sneak through the people without losing focus until I take a seat next to them. She doesn't feel the least bit about my presence, I order another drink and look at her over my shoulder.

She doesn't wake up from her thoughts, something torments her although I can perceive that it is of character from the hardened gestures. She is a beast and at the same time a little baby who needs her hand pulled to lead her along the path of life.

-Come alone?

—Uhm, yes.

She doesn't turn to see me, my body acts accordingly, turning on its side to see her directly. When my gaze catches his eye is when he prepares to see me, he has tempting lips, an angelic smile, big eyes with thick eyelashes and brown eyes that shine like gold.

-Are you waiting for someone?

"Maybe," he shrugs. You?

—You don't know me?


I analyze her body, which remains calm, she does not become alert and she does not escape, which is very bad because a minimal word from me must have already put her on alert and in survival mode.

On the one hand I want her to run and on the other hand I want her to continue sitting here.

"It looks bad," she comments calmly. As if he were... suffering.

—And you look too bored.

—At the moment I am, I just broke up with my boyfriend, he kicked me out of the apartment and I'm still trying to find a place to stay out of the way. There are no challenges for now that keep me active.

I lick my lips.

-And your parents?

—They are older and I don't like to bother them, I'm older, I have to be responsible.
