Page 7 of King of Shadows

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It was a challenge of his from the beginning and I came in his hand.

Damn, I still feel how his thin fingers closed, how they squeezed me, I think and think imagining his body. I analyze the panties he gave me and when I bring them to my nose it is as if drugs in their purest state entered through my nose to make my neurons explode.

The spring of the lingerie smells of her fragrance, I inhale until I realize I'm an asshole.

I won't be able to this way.

I won't be able to get anything today but death.

I'm devastated, I let myself be touched, I let myself get carried away believing that I was in control and it's not true.

—I want them back, I'm not ready, damn it!

I slam my fist against the glass, my knuckles split open, and I throw myself to the ground feeling defeated in every way. I put the panties in my pocket, and I start crying because I'm an idiot.

I'm an asshole.

I'm an idiot.

I am everything that is wrong in this world and that just turned itself in as a fucking drug addict.

—I'm not ready, I'm not.

There is no way to stop my world from being destroyed because I have to become someone I don't want. Alessio took away my freedom, Alessio collapsed everything that was in perfect control and I did not measure the time I had left because I assumed that I would touch the throne of that empire until it was ready.

So far I'm not.

I don't know how to be a Don.

I don't know how to be a good brother.

I don't know anything about the life that awaits me.





4 months later- May 4

Things were going better than I expected, I had a small apartment that I was paying as best I could, I didn't come from a family full of money, we always had just enough and we were never those people who boasted about having something they had never had in their lives.

Although we are people with a couple of secrets.

I have a job at night in a small library and a job in the morning at kindergarten. Although I look rude, I'm nothing like that when it comes to children.

I finish collecting my students' drawings, today we all put our hands on canvas and tomorrow when they are dry we will write our names so we can decorate it at home.

-Goodbye teacher.

—Goodbye, Rudi.

—I love you very much, miss.

—Me too, Hector.
