Page 8 of King of Shadows

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Parents pick up their children and I stay for twenty minutes to clean everything we occupy. I put my coat that is stained with paint in my bag, I have to wash it so that tomorrow it will be impeccable, my colleagues apparently have already left and when I see my best friend standing against the door I grab my things in a hurry.

-You finished?

—Yes, we made our hands.

—I saw the multiplication tables— he shrugs his shoulders and takes the club from his backpack—. I love these little ones too much.

-We are going to eat something?

-Of course ma'am.

The memory of that word comes to my head reminding me that that day I put everything aside to become a woman who sought challenges. I always look for them, they keep me alive and when I met this Salvatore I knew that I would have to show myself a little vulnerable to have him in the palm of my hand. Vague memories flood my head, feeling its warmth overflow against my hand, I remember how heavy and hard it was, I remember its veins on my palm and...

—Pizza or sushi?

—Sushi, last week it was pizza.

-You're right.

He knows it, he always knows where I'm moving because from minute one he knew that Fabian was never for me. David says that I shouldn't have assholes like that in my life and when I told him about Salvatore he went white and silent for ten minutes straight.

His family is extensive, full of doctors, accountants and lawyers, he is the only one who dedicated himself to education, which means he knows things. Her cousin Eva is a lawyer and they call her the Devil's lawyer because she always gets very difficult, very risky cases. One of them was against Domenico Marino, Salvatore's brother two months ago and the lawyer managed to get Domenico unpunished.

Of course, more than ten million euros were given for them to work underwater and for the court to expedite the process. All this is chaos, especially because in Calabria every now and then news comes out about the great massacres carried out by the Rinaldi and the Marino. You can see that they are at war and you can see that Salvatore finally moves his pieces to be able to put his name at the top.

David and I walked down the street telling a couple of stories before seeing the big sushi restaurant. We are versatile, even though we are in Italy we always try to visit new food places, I have tried a little bit of everything and I can say that Mexican is one of my favorites although David says that the tacos are not similar to how They make them in Mexico.

We place our order and I see the number of people asking for tables so they can eat.

—Did you see the new news?

—No, but I suppose they already made a new massacre.

“They made it near where you live,” I purse my lips. Three days ago they reported three bodies, apparently they were Rinaldi's hitmen wandering near those areas and Salvatore Marino ordered them to kill them.

If I'm honest, the name has already stuck in my head because David is a gossip, he even likes to find out what each of the celebrities he follows on their social networks eats.

—And what's with that? I didn't kill them.

—I prefer that you stay and live with me for a week, those areas are already becoming dangerous and it seems to me that the Marinos are watching you.

—Why would they do it?

—Because you saw Salvatore's face, you masturbated him and left him like a stone.

—That has nothing to do with it, I'm not interested in them.

"Emily," a warning tinges her voice. I know that you have not forgotten it, for some reason you do not prohibit me from continuing to talk about what I find in the news about them and I do not see that you have sought new conquests.

-I have many things to do.

He narrows his eyes and the spring rolls arrive at our table, I order a soda and take the chopsticks between my fingers to taste them. David just looks around while he eats. On the one hand we are similar because we complement each other in many things, we are quite close and our families tolerate each other because he is from a wealthy family and I am not.

What makes us similar is that money does not matter to us, my mother taught us both when we entered the career that we should be happy and I can confirm that if everyone did what they are passionate about we would have more millionaire people than many who are only guided by family influences to be "equal" to them.

—This weekend we have a trip for the third years and we can combine, we can take the first and third years.

-You and I? —Nods his head—. It seems fine to me, although you must give me the circulars to send to their parents.
