Page 77 of King of Shadows

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-No, I'm fine.

—I'm not asking you, take my shirt, it will reach your knees and that shirt only reaches around your ass, I'm not going to let you go that way.

I see him get up to unbutton his shirt, with the light I can see the bruises that have formed on his abdomen, he is hurt, he is injured. I try to get up, however, I feel a slight dizziness that takes me to the couch and he comes over to put a cushion on my back.

—I told you, don't move, I'll change you.

—What really happened to your brothers?

"I admitted my mistakes," he takes off my shirt. I admitted that I was becoming someone I never wanted to be. When Dante died along with mom I realized that I was not ready because I already had many of his tricks in me, which made me afraid because I had not formed my plan so that at the moment of obtaining power I would not be another version of Dante. And I failed, that's why I apologized and they apologized by pressuring me to make amends when I was fighting my own battles.

—That's good, Salvatore.

—I heard about Gin—I tighten my lips, buttoning my shirt—. I knew you knew and kept Leone's secret since he told you.

—I promised you.

"You are my trust,principessa, I'm not upset that you left when I told you to do so when it was too much," he cradles my face. I'm not upset that you hid that because it was a promise you made to my brother, the same one who also deserves trust and loyalty. I can trust you, Emily.

—Now will you tell me one of your secrets?

—In the car, it's time to take you and you're not going to walk.

I feel him put his hands between my back and the back of my knees to take me outside, in this case he takes my friend's shirt to put on when we get to the car. I feel disturbed, a little silly and there is a constant pang over my head.

The blow was hard and when I looked at the door I noticed the dent. I think my mother made me very stubborn.

I let him put me in the seat, Guillermo is the one driving this time and I listen as he orders him to take us to the usual hospital. I begin to feel cold, I cling to his arms feeling that he shares his warmth with me.

—They gave you a lot of bruises.

"And you have many wounds," he caresses my leg. I'm going to send her to kill.

-No! —I walk away, my head hurts—. No, I want one of your men or women to teach me how to fight, I don't want you to do anything to them. Just let him learn, I need to do it because I was always at a disadvantage, if I hadn't worn the brooch on my head there would be no way to even get a scratch.

—I don't know,princessa, I can't allow anyone in the world to lay a finger on you.

—That's why I need to learn, I won't always have them around, I won't always need an escort when I can defend myself, don't you think?

—We'll see, now we just wait, I need you to be checked.

"My head hurts," I rest my face against his chest, as he quickly climbed up he put on the shirt I was wearing, "a lot."

-I know.

Time flies by, I close my eyes when he carries me through the white, light-filled hallways of the hospital. As I lie down on a stretcher, the doctor approaches with gloves ready to analyze the wound that hurts the most and where there is a slight opening.

—I want them to do complete exams, she's not used to fights Adam, I'm not going to risk it, I want to know if there are any fissures, fractures...

—Salvatore, I understand, I know you're used to this kind of fight and she's not, just let me do my job.

—I'm fine—I raise my thumbs—I think I see double.

The studies begin and when they analyze each one of them they end up placing a dressing so that the wound begins to heal and the skin itself begins to heal effectively. I am a disaster when I look at myself in one of the mirrors in the room, I get up as best I can and Salvatore enters my room after receiving all the documents in my hands.

—You're fine, you just need to rest for two days to see if the dizziness continues, the knock against the door was quite strong.

—I'm fine, I told you.
