Page 76 of King of Shadows

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The problem is when Helena gets up and hits my face with her leg, the blow makes David let go of me and she continues, she keeps looking for me, she grabs me everywhere so she can hurt me and I try to push her hands away. David also gets some good blows, Helena pushes him away.

—I'm going to finish you! You make our family shit, you were always a nuisance, you were always the rejected one not only from my family Emily, but also from yours and it's fucking disgusting that you made those videos with my brother, that you forced him to record themselves fucking. You disgust you bitch !

The blood runs down my face, I take one of the accessories I was wearing in my hair and that I had not taken off because there was a knock at the door. David tries to intervene again without a breath of air because Helena stuck her knee in his lower areas. I push him and scratch his face with the edge of the brooch.

I go against her body, I slam her against the wall causing the other neighbors to come out, however, in the presence of blood they better go in so as not to cause problems. I scratch her face, she screams, she pushes me away, hitting me with her open hand on my face, everywhere.


-Back off!

Someone strong grabs me by the waist, pushes me away and Tamara arrives to give her the blow of her life that sends her to the ground. His blood not only runs down his face, but also down my hands, which is where I still hold the brooch.

—I didn't force anyone! "I spit the truth at him." Your brother was the one who always tried to force me, who took all my money from me on many occasions, who forced me to suck his friends and then call me a thousand different names. Your brother was the one who deceived me and because I was stupid, I didn't want to open my eyes until it was enough for me. Kicking into Salvatore's arms, Tamara is trying to drag Helena away. Your fucking brother was the one who did shit to me, who broke me into pieces multiple times and I stayed silent because I thought he loved me and that I loved him. I was just a whore dependent on his few good treatments, I was a believer in his change, when in reality he already had two more fucking in our bed, which we shared. So go and break his eggs, not me, because it's because of me that he didn't die of hunger.

She curses me, her voice coming out low because Tamara's blow was hard enough to leave her having trouble speaking. David holds his genitals and abdomen, lets us enter and Salvatore sits me on the couch. He's wearing the same outfit from the date, but when I detail my clothes he doesn't really like that I'm with my panties exposed.

—Give me ice David and alcohol, he's bleeding.

—Wait a second, that's it.

I see my best friend move, the other man moves around the apartment as if it were his and when he approaches me he leaves a cold towel on my face, runs it over my cheeks, my neck and wherever the swelling starts to get. volume.

—What did the director say to her when she went to the appointment, David?

—She only told me that she had informed her about the absence from the festivals, the payments and that due to major issues her daughter could no longer be at school.

—She blamed me for having fired her, for being responsible for her daughter being discharged from the system.

Salvatore doesn't say anything, he just starts preparing the cotton, towels and alcohol to start healing me. He is gentle, not wild when it comes to sweeping up all the blood and taking it away with the cotton. The brooch is still in my hands, with her blood and when I detail it, Oslon comes to mind.

—What happened to your brothers?

"We made up as we should," he murmurs, continuing his work on my face. We beat each other to tell the truth to each other's faces and everything that had happened, we gave up shortly after and talked about it as we were supposed to have done a long time ago.

-And then?

"I knew you were here, Tamara informed me and I was fine with that because I didn't want you to intervene in our battle," he comments, I complain when the burning spreads over my eyebrow, opening it. I assumed you would return at night, I proposed something to you, I was waiting.

When David notices the sinuous glances, he better leaves, giving me a kiss on the cheek and leaving Salvatore in charge of everything. From a distance he gives me a thumbs up and disappears.

—Did you wait for me to sleep with you?

—Yes, I told you I wanted that.

"I wasn't comfortable, I was thinking about what I had done to that man and what that was doing to me," he continues to heal as I speak. Believe it or not, it made me feel pretty good, I felt like for the first time I had the power to shut up those types of people who always have something to make me feel bad. I just needed to get away, I needed to think outside of that place.

-I understand.

—And when I came with David I analyzed it, realizing that I had truly enjoyed what that man received. I felt upset by what Fabian had done, his sister just told me that according to me I was the one who forced him and mistreated him all this time - I commented upset -. It wasn't like that, that's why I tried to hurt her... She had already hit my head...

—How did he hit her?

He stops, the cotton is still held over his fingers, it is covered in blood.

"Against the door," I point out, "I think he left a gap."

—Emily, I need to take you to the hospital, those kinds of blows can be dangerous.
