Page 80 of King of Shadows

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—What will happen now that this happened?

—For the moment we are going to stay still because we want to help Alessio, no matter how much of a bastard he was long before, we must get him out of that place so he can explain to us what the hell happened —he informs me—. After that we are going to start attacking, because if we don't manage to get Alessio out of where they have him, I'm afraid we're going to take our time to lay out each plan, organize all our people and go after them.

—I understand, that sounds like danger.

—It will be a lot of danger and risk, however, it is worth it because I will not be living for more years with the same damn battle of killing and removing. No, that's over since my parents died, I'm a new leader and this leader no longer wants a fucking problem with La Sacra Corona Unita.

—What other mafias exist outside of Cosa Nostra, La Sacra Corona and the 'Ndrangheta.

He removes the laptop from his lap so he can come have breakfast with me and pay attention to what I just asked him.

—There are the Baslan who rule from Greece, but they are a group that is also allied with Cosa Nostra and the Bratva —he explains—. The Hamiltons own the Camorra in New York, the Derricks of the Camorra in Las Vegas, Leighton in Great Britain and Abramov in Abu Dhabi. These are the most important mafias in the entire world, they have many records, many skills and even many deals with the government itself to be able to do their thing in the world without being persecuted. We all do that, we must cover ourselves from anyone who wants to put us in jail and for that we buy the police.

I finish with my entire breakfast, leaving the infusion for last.

—I think that's too much, although it doesn't surprise me that the world in general is under the rule of drug traffickers, it's common, they have power while doing bad things.

—Yes, this is how we are more powerful than presidents.

—Those bad things... have they ever caused you rejection? I mean, I think at some point we decided to stop doing something, right?

—At the time I thought about it, I think it was when my father's demands became greater because he wanted someone just like him to run the business. I was thinking of leaving and leaving everything, that's what I told my brothers because they believe that Gin and I had not suffered enough, they believed that because we were children of another woman they had been condemned—he sips his coffee—. And I don't think so, Dante was equal with everyone to the point of thinking about selling my sister, there are certain ideas that I don't respect about the codes within the clan. So yes, sometimes I thought about not becoming this.

—I see, now you have no choice, it's this or lose everything you have.

—Exactly, there are decisions that are made on their own for the good of everyone.

We finish with breakfast after a few minutes, when he sits next to me I see everything he does on the computer and I notice that he is handling data that comes to him from another network. He has his own hackers at his disposal ready to offer him the information he needs about Massimo and Alessio.

—Who should I ask for more hygiene supplies?

-What do you need?

-Feminine towels.

Memories of the past feeling disgusted by Fabian plague my head, however, I muster up the courage to say it.


—Uhm, normal.

"I have to buy them, my sister doesn't use those," he comments lost on the screen. Any specific brand?

—I can buy them, maybe when...

—No, you're going to stay in bed and as long as we don't have this Rinaldi situation under control, the less you go out alone the better, you can come with me, nothing happens.

—The brand doesn't matter, they suit me well.

—When does it arrive?

I forget about all the pain because the heat settles in my cheeks.

-In three days.

—Okay, actually, I know your birthday is coming up, right?

He turns to look at me this time, moves the device away to lean next to me, we continue sitting against the bed. Right now I would be able to embarrass myself because I know very well that I look terrible and should be disgusting.
