Page 81 of King of Shadows

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—Yes, on May 20, in seven days.

—It's good to know because if you allow me, I want to give you good gifts, although perhaps all of them consist of making you mine for the first time.

—Why would you give me gifts?

—Principessa, the blow made you forget that you are my conquest, right?

-Oh it's true.

I start laughing, I don't cover my mouth, I just look at him, forgetting about my appearance.

—What are you taking care of yourself with? Do you want me to pay for a method?

—I have the IUD and I recently had it checked, everything is fine in my body.

"I know, the blood tests helped rule out some diseases," he says, taking my hand to intertwine our fingers. I want to take care of you Emily, I don't want them to hurt you more than they already have because I know how hard it feels that no one tries to save you, that no one does anything for you.

—I'm not a little girl, but I think that as a couple I can understand it, couples take care of each other.

—I don't want them to hurt you, if I didn't run out yesterday to kill that woman it was because you ordered me to and yet I still think about running out to strangle her.

I burst out laughing again, leaning my head against his bare shoulder.

—I will do it, I will make each of them pay me in due time.

—Okay, since it's Friday and I couldn't take you to the beach as I had agreed, I'll stay with you for the two days of rest.

-Because? —I ask, letting go of my grief—. I think you see my face, you see everything she did to me for not knowing how to defend myself and because she weighs a few kilos than me, she is curvy, she is beautiful although a bitch for doing all this to me... I look horrible right now.

"Fuck Emily, you can carry the garbage bag on you and I assure you I'll still like you." She squeezes my fingers between hers. You are swollen because you had a fight in which I keep blaming myself for not being around, apparently the woman managed to enter through another door that leads to the garbage containers and did that. But you're not going to disgust me, I'm not going to stop liking you, you do it with everything and your swollen eye.

—Silly, your abs don't look pretty anymore, they look purple.

—See, we are equal.

We let the minutes pass until I approach and place an impulse bite on the man, Salvatore begins to laugh, impressed by my outburst of consciousness.

—What's wrong with you, vampire?

—Since I'm going to be in this beautiful bed for two days without doing anything, I want to use it for the first time, my bed always has to have memories.

—Do you want to play Emily?

—Yes, I want to try, try... it doesn't matter.

—I don't think speeding you up because of the orgasm I can give you is the best thing.

—You can surprise me, for some reason I hope you surprise me every day. You started doing it since you accepted your mistakes, you asked me for forgiveness for the blow, you talked to your sister, we set conditions and I am surprised right now that you have talked with your brothers to be able to fix everything. I don't always expect a surprise in the sexual environment, I expect your personal development.

He thinks about it a little, catches my chin between his fingers and brings me closer to him so he can kiss me. The room is not full of color, everything is in black, white and the dark brown wood that at night looks completely black. It's simple, it doesn't have many things that characterize it, but I can see his taste for dressing well because he has large closets, shoe cabinets with glass doors and jewelry boxes full of rings, cufflinks, watches and more.

—I can show you what I am capable of doing as a punishment when you don't pay attention, when you are stubborn, when you cover your smile or when you do something that bothers me a lot, do you agree?

—Okay, show me.

—I want you to lie down, I will arrange the pillows so that you are inclined.

He leaves me in the middle of the huge bed and places the pillows strategically, keeping my torso inclined. He walks away to drag the brown leather single chair, places it at the edge of the bed and removes the sheets from my legs, leaving me exposed to the lower part.
