Page 89 of King of Shadows

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Salvatore leaves the card on the table, Dom and Gin jump up to take it, Gin has to jump out of his chair because his brother has won the card from him. They read it again, Salvatore for his part covers his face with his hands, my chest rises and falls with great speed.

"The war is really coming, brothers," he snorts at each word. We must see each other's faces because these will not continue to be attacks in the shadows or under water. We are going to have to attack, it is a simple threat to us because of all the mischief we have been carrying for years. And they are occupying Emily so that we become weaker, they are not going to touch her—she turns to look at me—. I don't want you to go out, don't do it if there aren't more people with you who can protect you now. I don't want to lose you,princess.

—Okay, I'll stay, I think helping Trixi will be a good distraction.

—They won't do anything to the fairy Emily, right Leoncito?

—No, we're not going to allow it, darling.

Everything gets tense, the joy of the party fades until an idea occurs to me that may be a bit risky. With a strong hand, with my head held high and with the commanding voice that is needed, I speak to everyone as if I were the owner of this entire place.

"Four days until my party, make it, make it attract a lot of attention and we can use it to our advantage," I inform them. They want to kill a couple of men, do it that day because they are coming for me to screw you, don't surprise them, I won't be here.

“That could work, Salvatore,” Leon says supporting me.

"You and I are going to leave," I turn, my words going straight to the man next to me trying to think with a cool head. We will not be here, we will let your brothers take care of everything here, they will think that we are here because it is the birthday in my honor. I will take Trixi so that nothing bad happens to her, this would be a confrontation between your brothers and the men who want to approach Rinaldi —he nods his head—. I want to learn to defend myself, I want to know how to manipulate a weapon in my hands because I don't want to depend on men, women or bodyguards in general to always protect me. I must learn.

Somehow I brought out all that power that I had hidden in my soul, I brought it out because I had also been a good leader at the time. Of course, I don't manage the mafia like them, I barely know it, however, it is not necessary to learn countless codes when things are clear. Same things that can be solved in this way by thinking like a true killer, thinking about a true hunter who is willing to tear his prey apart.

—Okay, Tamara, I want you to teach Emily everything about defense, attacks, weapons and what you should learn to get out of any conflict with knives or even firearms. —The girl gives me a slight smile, letting me know that she would be aware of my training. I think that right now Alessio and Massimo are considering that Emily is the family's weakness because she is already part of our family - he emphasizes each word, plus the term family -. What we can do is make her learn everything necessary and put her in the 'Ndrangheta, this is dangerous and I know it, but making it clear that Emily is a mafia lady changes the game.

Everyone looks at me waiting for my acceptance, Trixi for her part messes up Leon's hair.

"If this will help the problem end, I'm in, show me what this clan is really about and what it can do," I propose, confidence going from my head to my toes. I'm not going to criticize your methods if I can have the right results. You help me stay alive, and I can help you end the conflict or prevent more problems from being created by having me here.

"It's a good idea," says Domenico, assessing the situation. We are trees cut down almost with the same axe, which means that the Rinaldis will think that you are just my brother's whore. The play would change when you gain more power in a matter of days or months, causing them to consider themselves attacking. Within the clan, men are known to protect the ladies from being touched, hurt or annihilated. They will calculate their movements better, therefore, we will have more time and ways to screw them.

—What happened to Alessio's mother? —Asks Ginevra—. She is also a lady, we can't attack her or the problem would get bigger. Right now we have to evaluate all the options, but she has not been seen.

"Possibly she is with Alessio, locked up, I'll ask my contact," Leon mutters, considering the points on the table. Well, we have a party to prepare and you better warn your friend Emily, he is in danger and even though you have been told, we can protect him too.


The three brothers are ready to make their plans regarding the party, when I am alone with Salvatore he stands up and extends a hand to me. I don't hesitate to take it, it takes me to the extensive patio, the smell of freshly pruned grass attacks my nostrils. The two of us walked hand in hand until we were a few meters away from the house.

—That was a great idea, bringing them to the house, to the perfect trap because they would think that we were stupid for having a party in the middle of this dilemma —he confesses, looking straight ahead. They know me, they know that for a long time I was alone I stayed locked up and that's why it was difficult for them to enter the house or get close, there was always someone ready to kill them. It will be new to see that Salvatore Marino will give a party on behalf of his girlfriend Emily Fiore. Some may fall, Alessio and Massimo are not going to come until they really notice our intentions —he sighs—. You and I are going to go with Trixi until the party is over and the house is safe, let's see how many fall, let's see how many we can catch and get a little information.

"That sounds good," I look at him in profile. I am quite pleased that you understand each other and in turn give me your support. I also like that you gave me permission to get into this life, your life, and make it one of yours. I'm not afraid, I'm curious.

—This world is wild, Emily, nothing you've seen or heard is even the smallest part of what makes up being part of the clan.

—I am willing to learn.

"I know." He brings my knuckles to his lips, kisses them. Remember that in the face of a threat to your person that really puts you at risk, I am going to take you out of the country, not even being a lady of the 'Ndrangheta will you be able to stay, it will be for your own good.

I end up accepting because right now I can't demand things that could put me in danger at some point. Here they are the ones who know the movements best, they know what is happening in this world and everything that can happen in the blink of an eye. I only learn, analyze and reserve comments because I must analyze very well what all of us here must do to take this weight off our shoulders.

We continued walking in silence as if we were a normal couple. In the midst of the tranquility I allow myself to think about how my life took a complete turn, causing me to get into a life that I was not at all thinking was the type of life I wanted. Being here I also allowed myself to think about what was happening, already doing what I could benefit from.

I lost nothing by trying, by becoming someone, whether you are good or bad, there is always criticism everywhere for your actions. However, I am not interested in any of those opinions right now.

"We can watch a movie in the car," he proposes innocently. We may not do everything we had in mind, but you will have a good birthday.

—We have to think that we have a small situation, we have to measure our actions.

—And I know, my brother is doing a good job and even though I'm not her dad or her uncle, I will be taking care of her, I know you love her too. —He gives a light push with his arm—. You will have a good birthdayprincess.

—Can I have some clues?
