Page 99 of King of Shadows

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Between them and me there is a big difference, they hate, they kill, they want nothing more than revenge.

Not me, I want power, I want strength, I want all of them to end up giving me loyalty and praying that I won't be the one who ends up with them, but it will be a shame, because asking for mercy won't make things stop.

No one should stop me anymore, I must continue to become better than them.


In the afternoon we all decorated the house together, the invitations had already gone out the previous day for people to join the great party that would be full of drinks, casino games, bets, money and girls who were willing to entertain everyone. one of the guests. In short, Leon and Dom have a way of throwing a good party that is eye-catching and entertaining, and simply by looking at the house you realize that a good amount of money was invested in all the decorations.

David, for his part, will leave in the afternoon before the party starts. He has a fun day to spend with Norma, so I say goodbye to him because I have to put up balloons. Ginevra places tables with a lot of plates where the snacks will be placed, Salvatore is on the bar preparing the starter drinks that are pink with ice.

This was a real party.

Emily Fiore's party.

It was going to start soon, so I pack a couple of things for the night of entertainment and Trixi is already ready with her backpack and her clothes. I have seen the nanny a couple of times wandering around the house, she is very kind and discreet. She's my age, she's beautiful and a lot of fun when it comes to taking care of Trixi.

-Are you ready? —Leone asks, adjusting his backpack—. Remember that you have a cell phone at your disposal to call me at any time, I promise to say good night by text so you can sleep well, little one.

—I know, little lion, you always keep your promises.

—Never forget that and remember that if the two of them disappear for a while it is because they must do important things, you understand?

—Yes, and I shouldn't bother because adults also need time to think and talk.

-That is.

She kisses the girl's head, she takes Brenda's hand and takes her outside where the truck is ready. I carry my things in hand ready to let them take care of the real party.

—You do a good job, Leon.

"I know, I'm trying to make an effort," he massages his neck. Would you like to start with her on Monday?

-Would be great.

—The last materials will arrive this weekend.

—It's okay, I can make her learn very well with what we already have at our disposal.

"She's very excited," he tells me, putting a hand against my shoulder. I'm the fucking devil in person, cold and dry, just like that. But I have to admit that things have changed since you arrived, it does not indicate that we will be puritans and saints from now on, I just want to thank you - he smiles tensely -. You did things for us and we repay you, not with gifts, maybe with our friendship and protection Emily.

—You shouldn't worry about that, thanks anyway , Leone.

—Thank you for everything, for teaching Trixi.

—I always will, I will always be there for you.

"I know," he takes off his hand, "and we know it for you."

We both take different directions, at the main entrance there is a huge serpentine curtain that falls to the silver floor. I pass her and get into the truck, Salvatore is already at the wheel telling the escorts to divide up to form the security ring. We started with the journey, I had brought some food that they had prepared for my fake party.

Trixi puts her cake pop with a crown made of chocolate in her mouth, I take the popcorn and offer a couple to Salvatore, watching as he takes us to a beach area, more open and with views of the island that I see. looks beautiful. We stop at a large house, we all get out feeling that the sun wants to make us butter against the ground.

—Salvatore, can I go play in the sand?

"Yes, Trixi," he turns to his escort. With it, we will go inside.

-Yes sir.
