Page 100 of Tempted Angel

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It’s so nice watching the drama without being a part of it. Like reality TV but live.

Babette wrinkles her nose at him. “Don’t fucking call me that, Axwell.”

“Just say what you’ve come to say and leave.” Dashel sighs.

“Not until you jack-offs get the fuck out.”

“Why should we leave our liar?” Bash asks. “Whatever you have to say to her, you can say to us.”

She scoffs. “No, I really can’t.” She shakes her head and looks to the ceiling. “Look, it’s not my secret to tell, OK? I need to minimize risk here, so please, for the love of fucking Lucifer, get out.”

Axe is about to shoot her down again.

“It’s fine, guys. I’ll be fine.”

“Dove, no. We’re not leaving you.” Bastian crosses his arms.

“You will if you want Babette to leave.”

Babette purses her lips at them. “Exactly. Finally, someone with some sense here.”

The heirs stare at me, shaking their heads and unmoving.

“Look, if she tries anything, I’ll eat her.”

That earns me a surprised look from each of the heirs.

“You have five minutes, Babs.”

“I only need two, Axwell. And take Enzo with you.”

“Enzo’s not here,” Bash says tightly before they blink out.

Babette charges forward until she’s standing right over me. “You’ve got to back off.”

“Back off of what, exactly?”

Babette closes her eyes and takes a second. “I know you’re here because of the Auction, but you’ve got to get your hooks out of the heirs.”

“And why is that?” I ask, humoring the request.

“Because Olivia needs them more.”

“What the hells does that mean?” I ask.

“Look, she’d kill me if she knew I was talking to you, so if you say a word of this to anyone, including her…”

“Just spit it out, Babette.”

“Olivia’s from one of the outer realms. One of the poorer ones. She’s counting on mating an heir, so she doesn’t have to worry about her family anymore. But if you grab them all up, which is what the word on campus is, she’ll have to go back to her realm with no way to help them out of a shitty situation they were born into.”

I mean to empathize. To say what a struggle poverty must be and explain that I’m only using the heirs for information.

But what comes out is not that at all.

“Sounds like an Olivia problem. Maybe if she wasn’t such a bitch, she’d have gotten her own hooks in an heir by now.”

I drop my head, disgusted with myself.
