Page 101 of Tempted Angel

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“I didn’t mean that, Babette.”

When she stays silent, I work up the nerve to meet her eyes. There’s no anger, no indignation.

“I know you didn’t, Dove. It’s pretty obvious when that brain of yours misfires. You get this wide-eyed stare, like you’re getting pulled along for the ride.”

Seriously? No one has ever bothered to tell me that before.

“It was still a shitty thing to think, though, and it makes me wonder if that mouth of yours just says the things you’re already thinking.”

“No. I?—”

Babette holds up a ringed finger. “We all have shitty thoughts, dummy. Even the best of us.” She checks her phone for the time. “They’ll be back any second. Promise me you’ll think about what I said.”

I nod. “I promise.”

“Good. And if anyone finds out what I told you, I’ll make sure it’s the biggest regret of your life. That, I promise.”

Chapter Twenty-One

Humans can never look upon the full visage of a Celestian. We lost the knowledge surrounding that peculiarity to the dust and sands of time.

- From Realm to Realm: Creatures of the Realms

On Monday,the heirs never leave my side. Even more vigilant than before the Auction, they blink me from the lair to my first class, keeping me from the glut of students nearly high on gossip.

About me.

“Since bloodline magic isn’t practiced anymore, and witches can no longer summon demons the way we once could,” Ms. Greenly says from the front of the class. “Who can tell me a few ways to get a demon to do favors for you?”

I stiffen, ready for the blow.

“Why don’t you ask Dove,” Olivia says from behind me. “She’s got all four wrapped around her finger. She must have a golden pussy or something.”

Much like when I’ve insulted the heirs previously, no one laughs.

“Ms. Tate, if you have a problem with another student, I suggest you take it up with them personally instead of using my class as a soapbox for your bitchy remarks.”

Now that, the class laughs at.

Ms. Greenly stands watching us, hand on her hip as if she’s thinking. “You know what? I think we all need a field trip. Come on.”

Our teacher waves her hand and the entire class, chairs, desks, and all, are sitting in the middle of the east grounds.

“Did she just…”

“Ms. Greenly just…”

“Was that a multi-person…”

Even I have to admit. That’s a hell of a trick.

“Yes, I portaled the lot of you here. Now, if you want to learn the same and grow your powerbase, then I suggest you pay attention.”

Every set of eyes, including mine, are glued to her.

“Right. I want everyone to stand up.”

The class obliges, and even Dash on my left looks interested. Since transferring to this class to make sure I wasn’t alone when Vlad was an issue, Dash has only ever seemed bored and tired.
