Page 131 of Tempted Angel

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“Exactly. Think of it like what omega wolves go through.”

My jaw drops. “Heat. You’re fucking talking about heat. You’re saying… andpleasecorrect me if I’m wrong, you’re saying the reason I almost went crazy is because my body wants to procreate with you?”

Bastian scoffs. “No. Well, kind of, I guess. But procreating is just the biological function. The important part is that demonesses only fall intoustrueswhen they’ve found their mates.”

“And there’s no other reason it might happen?”

Both shake their heads.

“Why? Having second thoughts?” Bash asks with a smile.

“Fuck. Bastian, read her face. She is.” Dashel takes my hand. “It must be quite a shock, especially if it’s not a concept you grew up with.”

To say the least.

“I can’t imagine how weird this must be.”

I drop my head, hiding the welling tears. What have I gotten myself into?

“Hey, hey, don’t cry, baby.” Bash scoots closer and pulls me close. “It doesn’t have to be that deep, Dove.”

I sniff against his chest. How am I ever going to explain this to Gael?

“Hey, look at me.” He lifts my chin, brushing a tear away as he looks deep in my eyes. “I’m serious. It doesn’t have to be anything more than filling the biological need your body hasnow. OK? If you’re not comfortable being committed or mates, then we can just keep theardorat bay when it rises.”

I nod, numb, and out of nowhere, overwhelmed by a wave of exhaustion.

“She’s fading, man. Fix the bed for her.” Bash’s voice rumbles in his chest, vibrating the ear I have placed against it.

Dash splashes out of the hot spring and the next thing I’m aware of is being gently dried and tucked into bed.

Chapter Twenty-Six

…it’s the burgeoning love.

- The Zealot King’s Journal: The Unabridged, Unsanctioned Edition

When my eyesopen the next morning, I expect to feel awful. Sore pussy, tired muscles, and maybe a little waterlogged.

I stall getting out of bed to avoid the discomfort.

Fortunately, I’m not sharing my bed. Dashel and Bastian didn’t spend the night with me, and I’m both relieved and a twinge sad about that.

But I’m not giving those feelings my attention. I’m not thinking aboutanyfeelings, so I distract myself with action, hopping out of bed, and scrounging up my tablet. I send Stevie a quick message, then do a few stretches.

Surprisingly, I feel pretty good.


My body is great, considering.

No stiffness. Nothing is sore.

I’m starving, but besides that, I feel better than I have in a long time.

My tablet chimes, and Stevie’s face appears on the screen. “Hey,” I say, pointing the tablet at the ceiling while I get dressed.

“Hey, yourself. You know I can’t portal through the enchantments, and you can’t portal here, so I don’t know what you were thinking sending me that message.”
