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“Good. Trust me with my own life, too.” I snuggle into his chest. “Don't be like everyone else. Trust me when I say I choose you. That I don't care about anything else.”

“You are brilliant,” he whispers to me. “Of course, I trust you, Ms. Chahal.”

I'm smiling against his shirt, absurdly relieved. “Mr. Li, you better. Though I guess I can't tease you in the capacity of being my bodyguard anymore, so that is one pity. It leaves a bit of a hole, I suppose. Hopefully I can get over it quickly enough.”

“Abitof a hole?”

“If I must soothe your ego, it’s a unfathomably large hole.”

He snorts. “Should I expect this degree of flattery from now on?”

“Depends. I think before we go any further, we should think of another title for you. For your sake, we need to figure out what you mean to me.”

He leans back a little, his dark eyes glinting. “Tell me.”

I think of ways to tease him more, but I've also got all this joyful thrashing inside me. “Some people—not me—but could be me, like the term boyfriend.”

His grin is instant, and the effect it has on my happiness is, as always, substantial.

“What rights does a boyfriend get?”

His tone is light, but his brow is furrowed. This whole conversation, he’s been exposing himself. I’m much better, but I'm still holding back a little with my sarcasm and myfor your sakelanguage. I don’t want to do that.

“No, not boyfriend,” I say softly, “because it doesn’t feel exactly like what you are to me. How about… partner? Is that… acceptable?”

He presses my palm flat on his chest. Through his shirt, I feel his heart race.

“Komal.” My name is a growled whisper. “Let me show you what that means. Can I do that?”

He is a man of action.

I’m the talker. He’s the listener and the solver.

When I nod, he carries me to his bedroom. With his mouth and hands on me, I don’t have time to look around for a while. And even afterward, I can’t see beyond the blue walls and the king bed because we’re caught in each other’s arms. Huan moves my head gently with his palm and I think it’s so he can nuzzle my neck, but it’s so he can settle his mouth beside my ear.

“I know it’s soon, but you should know that I’m falling in love with you.”

Hysterical joy bursts inside me. I’ve never felt like this.Love?He’s falling inlovewith me? My throat tightens. I’m falling now, too. Can’t Huan see he has swept me away? That I could just let myself be taken by the tide of emotion rising inside me.

When he feels wet drops on his shoulder, he abruptly pulls himself away. “No—I didn’t mean to make you cry—Fuck?—”

“I'm broken. This keeps happening to me.”


“No, I'm not sad. Don't worry. I'm only releasing.”

It's true. This isn't me struggling or finding anything difficult. I'm finally just feeling without any overwrought over-analysis plaguing my mind, and that means it's okay to be clumsy and vulnerable for no reason. I'm not going to be judged—and I won't judge myself, I vow internally.

He touches my tears with his thumbs.

I tremble. "For the record, you’ve ruined this other evil plan of mine.” I reach down and stroke his thickness. “I was going to make you say you love me in the middle of a blow job.”

“Great plan,” he chokes out.

Before I can blink, I’m flipped on my stomach. “I’m stealing it.”

Now I’m laughing. Crying and laughing. Absurdity and joy. Being with me, he's made me light again. It makes me so happy how I can tease him. “Jokes on you, I am going to confess promptly. I am in lo?—”
