Page 27 of His to Take

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The knowledge that the Thorne family would be covering up the murder instead of helping Dylan get justice.. Even after so many years working for the Thornes, it still twisted his stomach a little. He wondered if there was more he could do for Dylan – if there was a way to protect him from the dark underbelly of their world.

"Damn it," Ajax muttered under his breath, clenching his fists.

He didn't want the same fate for Dylan. When this mess finally blew over and Logan had left the area, he knew he was supposed to let the young man go and walk away.

But a stubborn realization took root in his heart: he couldn't do it. He couldn't just let Dylan return to the unhappy life he'd found him in, not after seeing that rare, sweet smile and catching glimpses of his vulnerability.

He deserved better.

"Fuck," Ajax whispered, trying to reconcile his newfound determination with the harsh reality of their situation.

His thoughts weighed heavily on his chest as he strode through the hotel's lobby.Focus on what's in front of you,he told himself, slipping the keycard into the lock.Just a few more days.

The door clicked open, revealing the empty main room of their suite. Its pristine orderliness felt suffocating, oppressive even. Ajax suspected that Dylan was shut away in his bedroom, mourning privately.

Steeling himself, he knocked softly on the bedroom door. No answer.

"Dylan?" he called, his voice low.

Still no response.

A shiver of unease slithered down Ajax's spine, and a sudden premonition seized him. He'd spent enough time around Dylanto recognize when something was amiss. The silence wasn't just heavy — it was deafening.

With a growing sense of dread, Ajax gripped the doorknob to Dylan's room and threw it open.

The sight before him made his blood run cold: an empty room, the bed untouched, no trace of the young man he'd been tasked with protecting.

He stared for a moment. "Shit."

A bitter laugh escaped him. He knew Dylan was clever, always looking for an edge on the situation, but he'd still underestimated just how determined the young man could be.

And now, Ajax instinctively knew that Dylan had left to get revenge on Logan Marsh.

"Damn it, kid," he growled, frustration mounting.

Rushing to his suitcase, Ajax spun the lock, intending to grab his gun and follow Dylan's trail. But when the case swung open, his heart seemed to stop in his chest: the gun was gone.

His eyes widened in horror as the gravity of the situation sunk in. "Oh,fuck."

How the hell? Ajax couldn't help but laugh bitterly again, cursing his own oversight. He'd thought he'd known how Dylan had opened it, but he'd been wrong. The kid had hidden tricks up his sleeve.

Ajax had let his guard down. And now, Dylan had taken his gun and was out there, hell-bent on revenge.

"Christ," he berated himself, running a hand through his close-cropped hair. "You should have seen this coming."

But there was no time for self-pity or regret. He had to act quickly if he wanted to save Dylan from the dangerous path he'd chosen.

"Alright, you clever little shit," he whispered, determination flaring in his intense eyes. "Let's see how fast I can catch up to you."

He stormed out of the hotel room, the door slamming behind him with a resounding crash. As he strode down the hallway, his fingers tapped furiously against the screen of his phone, pulling up Colt's number again. The call connected just as he reached the elevator and impatiently jabbed at the down button.

"Change of plans," Ajax announced without preamble, his voice low and tight with urgency. "The kid's gone rogue. He's taken my gun and I'm pretty sure he's going after Logan Marsh."

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, then Colt let out a low whistle. "Shit, man. That kid's got balls! But we can't let him go through with it."

"Damn straight," Ajax agreed, stepping into the descending elevator. "Who's on security?"

