Page 28 of His to Take

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"Let him know the kid's out there gunning for Psycho Junior. We have to stop him before he gets anywhere near Marsh."

"Understood." Colt's tone was all business now, the earlier camaraderie replaced by steely resolve. "I'll start making calls."

"Good," Ajax said, his mind racing with possible scenarios – none of them ending well for Dylan. He felt a strange mixture of admiration and frustration toward the young man, who had managed to slip past all of Ajax's defenses, both emotional and physical.

If you'd just stayed put, you'd be safe…

But in the same situation, would Ajax have shut up and listened? If someone had taken out one of his Thorne brothers, would he just sit tight and be a good little boy?

Ajax's face split in a dark grin. No fuckin' way.

"Just be careful out there, alright?" Colt said. "We don't want to lose anyone here."

"Trust me," Ajax said as the elevator doors opened onto the hotel lobby. His eyes gleamed with fierce resolve. "I won't let that happen."

Chapter fourteen

Dylan prowled the sidewalk like a caged animal, his fingers twitching around the cold metal of Ajax's gun. His heart pounded in his chest, but he steeled himself, determined to take revenge for Kai's murder.

"Alright," he muttered under his breath. "You can do this. You're ready for this."

He clung to that thought as he turned the corner.There.

He looked back down at his phone. As soon as he'd got a safe distance away from the hotel, he'd turned his phone back on — and he'd opened one specific app.

Logan's profile was still active. When Dylan had messaged him 'Tell me where you are',Logan had sent an address within minutes.

Stupid? Maybe. It could have been a set-up. For all Dylan knew. Logan was just sending him straight into the arms of the Thornes, wanting them to clean up his mess for him.

But Dylan knew that wasn't true. He'd seen the violence on Logan's face when he'd been denied what he wanted.

Logan was an entitled bastard, and a man like that wasn't going to turn down a chance to get what he thought was his.

To try to get to Dylan, he'd taken Kai's life without a second thought.

And now Dylan was here to take his.

Narrowing his eyes, Dylan observed the place from the shadows. It was a lakeside hotel, full of people several income brackets higher than him.

But not all of the people coming and going from the hotel were guests. Dylan eyed the men who were loitering around the perimeter: some by the door, some casually leaning around the corner, acting like they were just waiting for someone. Yeah, bullshit. Dylan recognized the way they moved, the way they kept their sharp and calculating gazes on the environment around them instead of killing time on their phones.

Thorne men. They were trained and dangerous. If they were anything like Ajax, he couldn't underestimate them.

Dylan peeked out from behind the wall, his heart pounding in his chest. He noted their placements like deadly chess pieces.Here, and here, and another over there…He watched the movements of the mafia men with hawk-like precision, noting every gap between them.

He waited until one of the guards turned his back, turning to watch a car that was pulling up, and then Dylan made his move. He darted across the open space and ducked behind a hedge. His pulse spiked with adrenaline, but he didn't let fear deter him.

He was a predator, stalking his prey, and nothing would stand in his way. He just had to act like it — like Ajax did, always moving confidently.

"Easy peasy," he whispered, hoping that it was true.

He slipped from hedge to hedge, and then found a concealed place to shimmy over the fence. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of small movements, sweat soaking his shirt, Dylan slipped into the space behind the hotel undetected. The hotel opened up into a deck dotted with tables, viewing the still surface of the lake. There were a few boats out on it, guests enjoying the water.

Moving smoothly and quickly, Dylan slunk through the deep shadows of the perimeter fence. The darkness gave him cover to look out over the scene.Come on,Dylan thought, scanning for any sign of his target.Where are you hiding?

There!His heart leaped into his throat. Logan was there, sitting near the hotel's outdoor bar. Dylan could feel the rage bubbling up within him, threatening to consume him whole.

There were too many people around. He needed to get Logan alone. But how? He couldn't exactly just message him going 'Hey, could you please head to a secluded area? Somewhere where no-one will spot your body for a while.Thanks!'
