Page 13 of Hot Mess Momma

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“God damn, every time I slide into your pussy, it feels like coming home. Every fucking part of you is mine. I love you Angel.” He pulls back only to slam back in and sets a punishing pace, hitting every nerve ending, sending me higher, faster and faster.

“Oh, my god.” I moan out. This is Evan unleashed and I love every minute of it.

“Not God Angel. When you cum you will call out my name. Cum now!” He pinches my clit and sends me flying over the edge.

“Evan!” I shout. No doubt the neighbours can hear me, but I don’t have it in me to care. My vision goes black and I slump on the bed, panting for breath. Evan pumps two more times before following me over the edge, filling me until I can feel it dripping down my legs.

He lays against my back, breathing just as heavy as I am. He places kisses along my neck and back. “I love you, Alyssa.”

“I love you, Evan, so much.” He pulls out, making me groan at the loss, and I'm just too tired to even move right now. I can hear him walking around and water turning on. I turn around, laying across my bed watching Evan come back with a cloth and starts to clean me up, bringing tears to my eyes. He throws the washcloth into the basket and gathers me up in his arms, holding me close. There is nothing in this world that I love more than being in his arms. They are my happy and safe place, knowing that he will always be there to catch me when I fall.

“Why are you crying, Angel?” He gently wipes my tears, making more fall.

I place my hand on his face, looking deep into his eyes. “I’m just so happy, Evan. You make me feel so cherished and loved. You are my forever and I’m so glad I took the chance.”

“You and Savannah are my entire world, and I would do anything to make you guys happy. That is my one goal in life now. Nothing else matters. My company could burn to the ground tomorrow and I wouldn't care. As long as I have you guys in my life, then I know I would be okay.” He lowers his lips to mine in a passionate kiss. Pulling back, he places a kiss on my forehead.

“As much as I want to just stay right here all day, I think we should get dressed and head back before your mom sends out a search party for us.” Laughing, we both pull back and he helps me up from the bed.

“Fine, but I want a repeat tonight when the princess goes to bed.” He slaps my ass as I walk past him to use the bathroom to freshen up, making me laugh.

I turn back to look at him over my shoulder before walking in, giving him a sultry smile. “I think that can be arranged, Mr. Bradford.” Sending him a wink, I close the door and quickly wash up and freshen up my makeup before throwing on my dress. Seeing as there is no way I can tame this sex hair, I put it up into a bun and walk out of the room, seeing Evan sitting on the bed, putting his shoes back on. I walk over to my closet and slip on a pair of strappy sandals and walk back out.

Evan walks over, grabbing my hand. “Are you ready to go?”

I look around my room one more time, knowing that this coming week is the last time I will see this room and house. A house that holds so many memories, the good and the bad, but I know I'm about to make new and exciting ones and I can’t wait to share them with Evan. “More than ready.”

A few hours later.

The BBQ is in full swing and I was so excited when I saw Tessa and Mia here that I almost started crying again. I haven't seen them in weeks and we never go that long without seeing each other. Life has just been crazy busy for all three of us. Looking around at my family and friends, I feel peace for the first time, like the weight of the world is no longer sitting heavy on my shoulders. Savannah is running around with Evan, making her laugh. Vivian is fussing over the food table, making sure everyone has enough to eat. There are a few people from the office who I now consider my friends. Tessa and Mia walk over to the table I'm sitting at and hand me a beer.

“You look like you're deep in thought.” Tessa remarks.

“I’m just happy. All of my family and friends are around me having a good time. I never want this to end.”

“Evan is good for you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy and the way he is with Savannah is amazing. It's as if he has always been here.” Mia says with a smile on her face.

“She asked him today if he could be her daddy. It brought us all to tears.” Even thinking about it now brings tears to my eyes and looking at the girls, you can tell they are trying to hold theirs back as well.

“We are so happy for you and Savannah. You guys deserve this and so much more, and I'm so glad you didn’t let fear rule you.” Tessa says, while Mia nods in agreement.

“Thank you guys. I don’t know what I would have done without you in my and Savannah’s life. You two have been with me through it all. I love you guys.”

“Love you too, girl.” Tessa says, hugging my side.

“There's nowhere else we would be, but by your side.” Mia hugs my other side until we all pull a part, laughing and wiping our tears from our eyes.

“Well, I don’t know about you but I see two sexy as hell men looking our way Mia let’s go mingle and say hi.” Tessa says while wiggling her eyebrows, making me laugh as she drags a reluctant Mia away. They both deserve to find their forever and I hope it happens soon for them.

Savannah runs over with a paper in her hand. “I have something for you momma, I drew it for you.”

I give her a hug, accepting the paper. “Thank you, baby.” She’s bouncing on the balls of her feet with excitement in her eyes, making me wonder what she drew. I open the folded paper and inside is a drawing of a ring, and what looks like a man down on one knee and at the top written is will you marry daddy? I suck in a sharp breath and look up and, sure enough, Evan is down on one knee in front of me. Too focused on the drawing, I didn’t even see him walk over to me. He is holding a black velvet box with a beautiful princess cut diamond ring inside. Tears spring to my eyes.

Evan grabs my hand in his. “Alyssa, the moment you walked into my life is one I will never forget because it was at that moment I knew in my heart and soul that you were going to be mine. The moment I saw your sweet baby girl, I knew she was going to be my daughter. You both are my entire world and I would be lost without you. I promise you that you will never walk alone again and that I will honor and cherish your love till the end. Angel, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” Evan pulls out the rings and slips it on my finger and I can hardly see anything with the tears coming down.

Savannah is jumping up and down beside me, clapping her hands. “Say yes, momma, say yes.”

That gets everyone laughing. “Yes. Yes, I'll marry you Evan.” He picks me up, swinging me around while everyone cheers us on. “I love you Evan so much.”
