Page 9 of Hot Mess Momma

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It’sbeenanamazingmonth since getting to know Evan and getting to watch the bonding between Savannah and him. There isn't a day that goes by where she doesn't ask for him and if he is going to come over to play with her. She has only had me as a parent, and I always knew she was missing the father figure in her life, and in Evan, she feels that. I no longer feel the fear of thinking that at any moment, he is going to walk away. He tells me daily that he will always be here now and forever, and I believe him. The first time we went to Vivian’s house for Sunday dinner, I was a ball of nerves, and once we got there, I found it was for nothing. Vivian opened up her arms, embracing Savannah and me as if we were always a part of the family. Savannah loves when she gets to spend time with her Gigi going shopping and getting her nails done. She spoils her, and Savannah eats that up. We now go over every Sunday for dinner; even Tessa and Mia have come a few times. The first time they met Evan, I was another ball of nerves because I really wanted them to like him as he was becoming such a big part of my life, but again, I had nothing to worry about. They told him funny stories all night, especially the labor incident that we all still laugh about. It is definitely a story for the books.

Getting to work with Evan daily has also been great. There isn't a day that I don’t get to see him, but the little innocent touches are driving me crazy. Daily, I'm ready to jump his bones. I was starting to think he didn’t want me in that way, but his daily erection tells me otherwise. One night after dinner, I finally gathered the courage to ask him if he didn’t want me that way, and what he said brought me to tears. He gathered me in his arms, kissing me senselessly until he was grinding his dick against me. Pulling back, he growled out. “Does this feel like I don’t want you? I want you like I need air, and I can't wait till I get to sink nine deep into your pussy. I just don’t want you to think that was all I was after. Needing for you to see the real me, but make no mistake, Alyssa, I want you, and it will happen soon.” I'm pretty sure I had a mini orgasm while he growled that in my ear. Going without sex since before Savannah was born, I know I'm going to be feeling all nine inches of him, but what does a girl have to do to get laid if it doesn't happen soon? I'm going to jump him where he stands. Okay, I probably won't, but it needs to happen soon. My whole body is tight, and I know when it happens, it will not take me long to go over; that's how on edge I am right now.

This weekend I don’t have Savannah as she is spending it with her Gigi. They will be having a girl's weekend. I swear those two can shop till they drop, but Vivian set up a photoshoot for Savannah as a surprise, where she gets to dress up like her favorite princess and have professionals dress up as the other princesses as well. She is going to be in little girl heaven. I will be spending this weekend at Evan’s house, and I can’t wait. The anticipation of getting to spend the weekend curled up in his arms has me on edge. I've already packed my bags and they are already in his car since he picked me up this morning and we both dropped Savannah at school, and Vivian will pick her up and come back here so I can see her before they leave. She already has a room set up fit for a princess at Vivian’s house. The day Vivian showed me, it brought me to tears to see the love she has for my baby girl. She really has become like a mom to me, and I can go to her with anything. I have yet to go to Evans's place as he said he was having stuff renovated, and it wasn't safe to go there, so getting to see his house has me excited.

Just then, I can hear the elevator open and the sound of my baby girl’s giggling, making me smile. Evan must hear it as well because he comes out of his office to stand by me as we both see Savannah rushing to hug us both.

Smiling up at us, she squeezes us before stepping back. “Hi momma, hi Evan. I'm so excited about this weekend with Gigi. We are going to have so much fun.”

“Hi, baby girl. How was school?” I push her hair back, giving her a kiss on the head.

“It was good. There's a new boy in our class, and he sits beside me. His name is Andy, and he said we are getting married. Can I marry him, momma? He shared his snacks with me today.” Omg, I wasn’t prepared for that. I can hear Vivian laughing and Evan grinding his teeth at the thought, and I'm trying not to laugh at Savannah’s face because she’s so serious about asking if she could marry this little boy.

“You aren't marrying anyone, princess. You are too young. Maybe I need to have a talk with this boy’s father on Monday. I will buy you all the snacks you want, but no marrying anyone, not until you're 50.” Evan growls out, and I can't help but bust out laughing at his face.

She shrugs her shoulders, not caring either way as long as the snacks are involved. “You're funny, Evan.” I'm pretty sure he was serious, and before he can open his mouth to say anything else crazy, I step in, giving her another hug.

“You have a good weekend with Gigi, and I will see you on Sunday. I love you, baby girl.”

“Okay, momma. I love you too.” She gives me a big hug and walks over to Evan, and he gets down on her level so he can hug her as well.

“Bye, Evan. I love you.” That is the first time she has ever said that, and it brings tears to my eyes. I can see Evan is having a hard time keeping his emotions in check as well.

“I love you too, princess. I'll see you on Sunday.” He kisses her head as we both watch her run back to Vivian, and they get back on the elevator, waving goodbye one last time before the door closes.

I look over at Evan to see if he’s okay and can see his eyes are glassy. “Are you okay, Evan?”

He turns to gather me in his arms, holding on tight. “She said she loved me. That hit me hard. I never knew one little girl could bring me down to my knees. She might not be mine by blood, but I see her all the same. She’s mine, just like her momma, and I'm never letting you guys go. Before anything happens this weekend, I want you to know how much I love you, Alyssa. God, do I fucking love you? You own every part of my heart and soul, and one day, soon, my ring will be on your finger, then every fucker will know that you are mine. Why are you crying, Angel?” He gently wipes the tears off my face, giving me a soft kiss.

“These are happy tears, Evan. I never thought I would ever have this. I always thought I was going to be alone. I no longer fear you leaving or if something terrible is going to have you taken from us because I know down to my heart and soul that I love you with everything that I am. You complete me, Evan. And, of course, Savannah loves you. You have shown her what a father is supposed to be. That is what you have become for her. You play with her whenever she asks and help her with any homework she may have. If she wants to play with makeup, you do not care. You let her put it on you. You stepped into the role without even knowing it. I love you. Savannah loves you. We were always meant to find each other.”

He pulls me closer, if that's even possible, and seals his lips to mine in a passionate kiss that lights up my whole body. I don’t even know how much time has passed. We both pull back, panting. “Let’s get out of here; everything else can wait. We can pick up some food on the way home. How does that sound?”

I can see the heated look in his eyes, and I know mine are reflecting the same thing. I'm ready to say screw dinner. Let’s just get to the fun stuff. That's when my stomach makes itself known, making Evan chuckle and my face to heat up. “That sounds good; let’s get out of here.”

We gather our stuff and head for the elevator, heading down to Evan’s car. I can see he’s deep in thought and whatever he’s thinking isn't good. “What’s wrong, Evan? You look like you are thinking something not so good right now.”

“I'm thinking of that boy that asked our princess if he could marry her. I wasn’t kidding when I said I should talk to that boy’s father. She’s way too young for that stuff. Maybe we should ask them to switch classes or just send her to an all-girls school with no boys. Yes, that does sound better.” He’s nodding his head, mumbling to himself, making me snort at him.

We reach the car and get in, and before we pull out, I tell him how absolutely crazy he’s being right now. “Evan, they are five years old. What do you think is going to happen? They will run off to Vegas. Trust me when I say they won’t be getting married, so I think you have nothing to worry about.” I can’t help but laugh at his offended look.

He pulls out of the parking lot, heading towards the restaurant to pick up our food. “Okay, fine, I'll admit the all-girls school was a bit much, but I still say I should talk to the dad man to man. Why are you laughing at me?” He looks at me before looking back at the road.

“Nothing Evan. I love you.” He grabs my hand, kissing the back of it, while he pulls into the restaurant's parking lot. The thought of biting into that juicy burger with cheese fries on the side has my stomach rumbling again.

“I love you too, Angel. Let me just run inside and grab the food, and then we can go home. I have a surprise that I want to show you after we eat. I hope you will like it.” He has a vulnerability in his eyes that I've never seen before, making me curious about what this surprise could be. I mean, if it's about him and me rolling around naked together, I'm all for that; sign me up. Evan gets out of the car, and I watch his ass the whole time he is walking, and I can't help but let out a little moan at the sight of his tight butt in his pants. After dinner and the surprise is done, there is no way I can hold back any longer. Evan will be mine tonight in all ways, even if I have to tie him to the bed to have my wicked way with him. Judging by the bulge in his pants, I know he would be on board with that idea.


When your ‘mom voice’ is so loud, even the neighbors brush their teeth and get dressed.

Iswearitfeltlike forever to get to Evan’s house, but I think it’s just my nerves settling in, knowing that tonight we will be finally be together. We just pulled up to the house, and from what I can see through the car window, it's amazing from the outside, just like I knew it would be. It is two stories with a wraparound porch that I can see myself sitting on, sipping coffee in the mornings, or curled up on the swing reading a book. The front yard is massive and fenced in for privacy. Once he has the engine off, he gets out, grabbing the food from the backseat, rounding the front to help me out of the car, holding my hand as we walk up to his front door. He opens the door, allowing me to go in first, all without saying a word, and it’s just as beautiful on the inside as it is on the outside. You can just feel the love and warmth from his house, and I can tell his mom helped him decorate. To the right is a massive-sized living room with an even bigger tv taking up one wall and a fireplace. The colors are all neutral, with pops of accent colors all around. I can see a staircase to the left leading upstairs to the bedrooms. Walking further in, I come to the kitchen, and it’s a chef's dream with double ovens and all stainless steel appliances. The dining room is even bigger, with a table that could hold at least 12 people. Even the backyard is massive. Everything is an open floor plan, so you can see everything no matter where you look. I turn to look at Evan, and he’s leaning up against the wall, watching me with a smile on his face. “Evan, your house is beautiful.”

He walks over to me, grabbing me around the waist, pulling me to him, and placing a kiss on my lips. “Thank you, Angel. I'm glad you like it because I want you and Savannah here as much as possible. If I had my way, I would have you moved in by the end of this weekend.” The intense look he has right now lets me know he is serious about us moving in here.

The thought of moving in here should scare me, but it doesn’t at all. I want it all with Evan, but it’s not just me to think about. That’s something I would have to talk to Savannah about as well. I pull out of his arms when I can hear the clacking of nails on the floor and, in walks a big beautiful German Shepherd coming towards me. He sniffs me twice while walking around me before sitting on his back paws, looking up at me. I look up at Evan, who has a smile on his face. “This is Rex. I've had him since he was a puppy. He’s only three years old.”

Evan told me all about Rex before, and I’ve been dying to meet him. I get down on my knees, sitting in front of him. I always wanted one but couldn't afford to have a dog. Reaching my hand out, I pet him, rubbing behind his ears. “Well, hello, Rex. You are just a beautiful boy, aren't you?” He comes over, licking my face, and sits on my lap, making me fall over. I laugh as he continues to lick my face with excitement. Pushing him away gently, I wipe the drool off my face.
