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“A strong woman knows she has strength for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will be strong.” Ojibwe Saying

“So that’s why I ran. What do you think?” Gabby is nervously chewing on her lip. She’s scared that she missed her chance by running out on Xander at the party. If I know anything, it’s that she definitely didn't mess it up, just by the look alone that he was throwing her way when he was walking towards her.

“Gab’s calm down. I don’t think you messed anything up at all. Xander is already head over heels, gone for you. Besides, being someone’s mate is a big deal and not to be taken lightly. I know he will give you the time you need to figure everything out. The big question is, do you want to be his mate?” If I know my bestie like I think I do, I already know what she wants, and that's to be with him. She just needs to come to a decision herself.

“I do want him. Lord, the way he made me feel was nothing like I’ve ever felt before. Now enough about me. What happened to you? You got home so late we didn't get a chance to talk. But with the dreamy look on your face walking in, I say something good happened to you. Now spill.”

God, she’s not wrong. The way he made me feel felt like I was floating on a cloud. I woke up this morning still feeling that way,and it’s like everything I’ve done in my life has led up to this. “I don’t even know where to begin. After I walked away from you, I went over to grab another drink when I heard the most sinful voice ever. I’m talking, chills racing up and down my spine. It went straight to my heart, and I knew he was there for me. He's Xander’s best friend, Azriel. We went to a back office to have some alone time to talk and get to know each other. He's Alpha to the Nimkii pack, and he's just perfect.”

I’m not wrong; he is perfect for me. He’s who I’ve been waiting for. Each dream I’ve had about him doesn’t even come close to how I pictured him. It doesn’t do him justice. He is all man and alpha wolf, and I can’t wait till I get to see him shift. I just know it’s going to be beautiful. The thought of his teeth biting into my neck when we mate has shivers racing up and down my spine. I refuse to hold back. I'm going all in.

“Aww, I’m so happy for you, Eva. So when are you seeing him next?”

Looking over at the clock, I see it’s only 10 am and, sadly, I still have a few hours to go before I get to see him again. “Thank you, Gabs. He’s picking me up at 6 to have dinner and talk some more. He said he has something to ask me.”

“Oh, what do you think he wants to ask you?”

Blowing out a breath because I’m at a loss for what it could be. I may have a bubbly personality, but I have zero patience for waiting. “Honestly, I have no idea, and it’s killing me not knowing what it could be.” I know I’m pouting, but I can’t help it.

Gabby is giving me a smirk. “Oh, I know exactly how bad this is killing you, not knowing, and you are not exactly known for your patience.”

Gabs is laughing at the expression on my face. So, like the grown adult I am, I stick my tongue out at my best friend. “Whatever. Let’s get back to work. We have that shipment coming in today, and I can't wait to see the new books weordered. A few of them are calling my name.” The prospect of new books gets me excited.

She pouts at me, making me laugh. “Fine, but I want full details on what happens tonight at dinner, and hopefully, I’ll get to see Xander as well.”

I watch my best friend walk away with stars in her eyes just by her mention of his name. I can feel that before the day is done, Xander will be walking through our doors to see her. Just then, my phone goes off, signaling an incoming text. Rushing to check it and almost tripping in my haste to reach my phone, thinking it’s Azriel, I see it’s my mom again, and I can’t help the burst of laughter that comes out of me.

Mom: Don’t forget I want details of tonight after you are done with dinner, but not too many, sweetie. Your father and I are so happy for you and can't wait to meet Azriel. <3

Eva: LOL! Don’t worry, mom. I won’t go into too many details. I’ll talk to you later. The delivery is here. Love you guys.

God, I love my parents. They’ve been the biggest support system in my life and always supported any dream and desire I had in life. I tuck my phone back in my pocket and open the front door of our store, already seeing a lineup of our regulars. Hopefully, it stays this busy today, so I don’t even have time to keep looking at the clock, waiting till the time I finally get to see Azriel again.

I have been distracted all day watching as the minutes ticked by on the clock. What seemed like hours was only minutes. I don’t think Gabby and I got anything done. Once she got the delivery, Xander showed up, asking her to dinner. I’m so excited for her that she’s finally going after what she wants. Since I was meeting Azriel first, Gabs sent me home to get ready. I quickly showered and changed into my skinny black jeans with a white silk shirt and my heels. I left my hair down but gave myself some beach waves and a light amount of makeup. Looking at myself in the mirror, I must admit I look hot. Grabbing my clutch, I walk out of my room and into the living room. My nerves are finally setting in, the anticipation of seeing and being with Azriel again hitting me full force. The way he makes me feel is out of thisworld crazy. And as crazy as it sounds, he completes me mind, body, and soul. I cannot wait till we become one.

The knock on my front door brings me out of my thoughts. This is it; he’s finally here. Blowing out a breath, I open the door, and standing in front of me in all his hotness is Azriel. God, he takes my breath away and looks hot as hell wearing dark blue jeans and a black button-down shirt. I realize I’ve been caught getting my fill of him when I hear a laugh covered by a cough. Making my head shoot up into the amused eyes of Az. I should feel ashamed, but I don’t. Besides, he’s mine, so I can look all I want.

“Like what you see, Eva?” His eyes have become heated, getting his fill of me as well, making my body heat up. Butterflies have taken up permanent residences in my stomach.

I nod my head because that's all I apparently can do right now. He seems to fry all my brain cells. Shaking my head out of my lust-filled Azriel thoughts. I smile up at him and say the only thing I can. “Yup.” He throws his head back, laughing at that. I guess he wasn’t expecting me to be so honest.

“Are you ready to go? I have a reservation at the steakhouse. I hope that’s okay with you?” He’s rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile on his face.

“That’s one of my favorite restaurants, so it’s definitely fine with me.” I step out the door and into the hallway and lock up. Azriel takes my hand and leads me down the stairs and out the door. He walks me to his black truck and I marvel at how high it is off the ground. I’m definitely going to need help to get in. He opens the door for me, and it’s as if he can already sense what I need. He picks me up and places me inside gently, as if I’m made of glass.

Then he looks deep into my eyes while leaning in to place a feather-light kiss on my forehead. “I’ve got you, Eva, in all things, and it’s you who looks beautiful tonight.”

He gently closes my door and walks around the front of the truck to get in. I may have checked out his ass in the process, and what a sight it is to see. He hops in and starts the truck, pulling out of our parking lot and heading towards the restaurant. Since we live so close to town, it isn't very far. Azriel grabs my hand, kissing the back before placing it on his thigh, making me think all kinds of dirty thoughts. I can feel the blush heating my face.

We pull into the parking lot within minutes. Taking my seat belt off, I wait for Az to get out of the truck before he opens my door and helps me down. He slides my body down his so I feel every hard ridge of him and something enormous poking my stomach, making him growl out and me whimper. I can see his wolf is at the surface, making his eyes golden. He leans his head down, and I know we are about to have our first kiss. The first pass of his lips is heaven, so soft in the way he’s moving them. Nothing is rushed. We aren’t in a packed parking lot, and it’s just the two of us at this moment. Our tongues caress sensually in a way that makes my whole body light up, wanting to climb him like a monkey parking lot be damned. He pulls back, both of us panting. He closes his eyes and shakes his head as if he’s having an internal battle with his wolf.

“Let’s get you fed, Gwanaaj.” He grabs my hand and walks towards the front door. Opening the door, the hostess greets us right away, and already has two menus in her hands.

“Welcome to Porter’s Steakhouse; I have your table ready if you’ll follow me.”

We both follow her to a table in the back, almost secluded from everyone, which I love. She places our menus down and walks away, telling us our server will be over soon. Azriel, the ever gentleman, pulls my chair out for me.

“Thank you.” I can't stop looking at him. I know my face has been one big blush since he knocked on my door.
