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His fingers reflexively tightened. He drove forward, seating himself to the hilt in one stroke. She was wet because of her orgasm but tight. Her inner muscles flexed and relaxed, accepting him. Home, he was finally home. It wasn’t a place but a person. His Luna. Closing his eyes, he held on, not wanting it to be over before it started.

When he had himself under control, he eased out a couple inches before driving deep. Hands fisting in the sheet, she rocked with him, catching his rhythm as it grew stronger and faster. Their bare flesh slapped together. The sound of his heart pounded in his ears. His starved lungs struggled to gulp in enough air.

Leaning over her, he reached between her legs and pressed his thumb against her clit. “Kade!” Snarling, he slammed his hands down beside hers and sank his fangs into the top of her shoulder. Not deep, but far enough that she’d bear a scar—if his blood didn’t heal her. It was a concern that the mating mark might not take hold and remain, as it did with female wolves.

Didn’t matter. Mating mark or not, she was his chosen, his beloved mate.

His entire body bucked as his release shot up the length of his shaft and out the tip. Gasping, he dragged his tongue over the wound to seal it, but it was already closing. She went limp beneath him. He caught her and lowered them both to the mattress, still locked inside her, and turned them onto their sides so he didn’t crush her.

Breathing heavily, hearts beating wildly, neither of them spoke. He nuzzled her neck, his chest expanding with pleasure when the mating mark remained visible. Then concern gripped him, and he levered himself up so he could see her chest. The tattoo was still there. Relieved, he dropped back down.

She reached up and rubbed her fingers over the already healed scar. “Will it stay?”

Seemed he wasn’t the only one who’d considered that possibility. “I think so. The mating mark has always been special.” He loved seeing it on her. It made him want to beat his chest and howl. Now she’d been marked three times—hair and eye color, tattoo, and mating mark. It pleased the possessive side of his nature. “How do you feel?” He’d been rough at the end, unable to hold back, driving hard.

“Mmm, wonderful. Whatever happens, I’m glad we met.”

“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.” Magic or not, it was true. “We’ll have to leave today. We’ve already been here too long. As much as I trust the broker, there’s no denying someone in his organization sold us out.”

“Where will we go?” He closed his eyes at her question and gave silent thanks. There were no accusations, no anger at her having to give up the life she’d had.

“It would be safer if we left the city.”


“My gut is telling me we need to stay close. Our enemies are getting desperate.” He brushed a kiss against her temple. “I fear the worst is yet to come.”

She shivered in his arms. “I don’t want to imagine worse.”

That was the stuff of nightmares. Whatever was thrown at them, they’d handle. The swelling in his shaft had gone down enough for him to pull out, but his need for her hadn’t died. He rolled onto his back with her sprawled on top of him, her breasts plastered against his chest.

“We’re in this together,” he reminded her. “Until the end.” However long that was—one day or eternity.

“Together,” she echoed.


Dressed in clean clothes—purchased for them and delivered by one of the broker’s personal team—they were packed and ready to leave their temporary haven. Their final destination was undecided. Luna fidgeted with the strap of her purse.

“We don’t have to do this.” Kade rested his hand over hers, stilling the nervous movement.

Ignoring the churning in her stomach, she gave his fingers a squeeze. “We do. Calling the white wolf is the right thing to do, because you’re right about Solange. That woman is not giving up.”

He hit the speed dial and put the phone on speaker so she could hear. “What the fuck is going on?” The angry male voice made her jump. “I’ve called you twice.”

“We’ve been busy.” Luna wanted to laugh hysterically at his understatement. “Solange took Luna—”

“How can I help?” Devlin interjected before Kade finished his explanation. The fact that he’d offer eased some of her anxiety.

“I got her back, but there were complications.” When he looked to her, she nodded. They needed to share the truth between them. “We need to talk in person. None of us is safe. The situation isn’t going away until we find a permanent solution.” That was one way of putting it. Their enemies had to die; their organization needed to be dismantled.

The silence spun out. “I’m sending coordinates. Meet us there in four hours.” The call abruptly ended. These wolves weren’t big on social niceties. Seconds later, his phonepingedas a text arrived. Kade read it before shoving his phone into his back pocket.

“Is it safe?” She hadn’t really met any wolves other than Kade. Running from them when they were being attacked didn’t count. And she’d been unconscious when the broker and his men had dug them out.

His massive shoulders moved up and down as he shrugged. “He’s got as much on the line as we do. Don’t forget, he has a mate.” He caught her in his arms and tugged her against him. “And if he’s feeling anything like I am, he’ll move Heaven and Hell itself to protect her.”

“Zoe, right?” Another woman like her. One whose life had been turned upside down because of Solange’s schemes.
