Page 42 of From the Ashes

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It’s Tuesday, and the fallout from Zorko’s death hasn’t hit my doorstep, but I know it is bound to smash into me full force sooner or later. Selene isn’t known for keeping her damn mouth shut, even though Trap will have told her to do so.

Right now, I am waiting for when it all spills into the streets, and I become the most wanted man in Baton Rouge. This isn’t going to make my situation at the Bachelors any easier, especially when Boss finds out because life will be strained.

Selene is an issue.

Trap is a pain in my ass.

And my time at the Bachelors is limited.

In my mind, I am already out. I just need to find a way to make that happen. Being with Makaylie has shown me a different path, a life I can lead without looking over my shoulder or checking my back for knives.

This life? I am over it.

I have been for a long time.

If Boss gets wind of everything I’m doing, he’ll put lead weights on my feet or something much worse.

I need out.

I need to get my ass away from the Bachelors.

I want Makaylie and me to have a life without chaos and anarchy raining down on us.

As I sit on the balcony, just taking a momentary breather, my cell rings. Pulling it out, I glance down at Hurricane from Defiance MC’s name flashing.

Inhaling deeply, I swipe to answer the call. “Hurricane, how are you doing?”

“I’ve been better. How you doin’?” Hurricane asks.

I scoff. “I’ve been better. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but I’ll be on the outs with the Bachelors.”Or at least I will be when this shit goes down. Once Boss finds out what I did to Zorko because of how he treated Makaylie, it won’t be pretty.

“Why the fuck are you on the outs when you’re second-in-charge?”

“Let’s just say I don’t agree with how they treat people, especially those I care about. So I’m out. Sorry if that fucks up any deals you had in progress, but I am sure Trap can take over liaisons with you. I know he’ll happily take my spot as second-in-charge.”

Hurricane grunts. “We won’t liaise with that prick. His wife tried to kill one of our own… that’s why we’re callin’ you. We wanted to know if we could barter for Selene?”

My eyes widen at the news. I had no idea Selene had been going rogue, but I’m not surprised. I can pretty much guarantee she went after Maxxy with the way those two were at each other’s throats when she was here.

My time at the Bachelors is done!

So Defiance can do what they want with her as far as I am concerned.

Letting out a chuckle, I smile for the first time in a while. “For Selene? Honestly, just have at her. She’s more trouble than she’s worth. But a word of advice… don’t grab her on Bachelor turf. That will start a war, one youwon’twin. She has minions around her, but if you can get her while she is surrounded only by them and not on Bachelor-sanctioned property, you won’t incite a war. They’ll mark it down to vengeance, and that’ll be that. They won’t come after you unless they see you provoking them directly. If you go after Selene and just her people, but don’t come after the Bachelors, they will let you be.”

“All right… appreciate your candor. If you need our help, we’re here.”

Honestly, with the shit that will undoubtedly fall down around me, I will need to call on Defiance.

“Thanks, Hurricane. I may just take you up on that at some point. Good luck with Selene.”

“I have a feelin’ you’re gonna need some luck too, brother,” Hurricane replies.

“Like you wouldn’t believe…” I reply, then end the call.

Everything is coming to a head.

Defiance is going to take out Selene.
