Page 53 of From the Ashes

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“Yes, there’s no time to pack. Just go with what you have. I’ll call you when I can.”

Joey is holding her arms around herself as the love of my life and his crazy best friend walk toward the front door. Reaching out and grabbing my cell, I huff as I storm toward the front door while Joey groans and walks with me. We all head for the elevator, and I move in next to Cain as he pushes the button for the ground level.

The elevator ride is filled with silent tension. The threat of the unknown lingers, breathing a heavy anxiety on us all. You can practically taste the stress in the air as everyone moves in an uncomfortable stillness. It does nothing to settle my nerves as I think of all the time I want with Cain in the future, a time we might not have, and it leaves me feeling restless.

The doors open, Cain and Rodberg step out with fierce determination, and I grab Cain’s hand. He turns back to me, and I plead with him through my eyes but say nothing. He stares back at me and simply nods, grabbing my head, pulling me to him, kissing my forehead, and then walking to his Impala. I can’t help but notice that Rodberg slides into his own car.

Joey and I stand in the parking garage in stunned silence, watching them drive off.

I turn toward Joey and raise my brow. “So, he’s in trouble, right?” I ask, and she nods.

“Definitely. So we should follow them, yeah?” She walks toward my car and grabs the door.

I jolt my head back in shock. “What? No! You heard them, we need to go to my pare—”

“Are you Makalie Rayne?” someone asks from behind me.

I spin so fast that I almost lose my footing. I had no idea they were even there. They were that stealthy.

“Who’s asking?” Joey calls out from the other side of the car.

I glance over to see a guy standing behind her too, and instantly, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. The guy closest to me holds up a picture, looking at it, then at me, then at it again, and I shake my head. “You must be mistaken. We were just leaving. Have a good day,” I tell him, then turn for the car, but I don’t even make it an inch before he grabs the back of my shirt, yanking me toward him. I let out a scream at the same time Joey does as another guy grabs her. I use all my body weight to push myself off him.

This isnotgood.

This guy is huge.

“Get off me, you asshole!” I scream.

He chuckles as I kick him in the shin, and then he throws me to the concrete, my hands and knees skidding on the hard surface.

I groan as Joey slides down beside me, her eyes wide as the two men charge for us.

She turns to me with a glint in her eye. “When I say go, you run.”

“No, I won’t leave yo—”

“Go!” she bellows, lunging forward with everything she has, barging into both of them and knocking them to the ground. I jump up and take off for my car, where I stowed a knife after the attempted rape. I frantically fumble with my keys to try to open the car door to get to the knife when something hard slams into the back of my head.

It takes a second, but my eyes roll in my head as my ears ring.

Then everything turns black.


My body is moving like I am being carried.

My head is bobbing as my eyelashes slowly blink, waking from another blow to the head. I cough from my dry throat as I realize I’m hoisted over the giant’s shoulder. My head snaps up, and I pound on his back. “Put me down, you fucking Shrek wannabe!”

He chuckles, sliding me down his hard body for me to face him, and then he rushes his hand out and slaps me hard across the face. My head snaps to the side with the force. Tears sting my eyes as I gasp from the pain. His huge hands grip my wrists as he leans in so close I smell the garlic on his breath. “Shut. Your fucking. Mouth.”

Sniffling, my body begins to shake as my head snaps around to look for Joey and another guy walks in behind us with her over his shoulder, but she is kicking her legs around and slamming her fists into his back. “Put me down, you sonofabitch!”

He slides her down his body, glaring at her. “If you don’t shut up, I’m going to shoot you in your loud-mouthed, fucking throat.”

Joey widens her eyes. She glances at me as the men spin, leading us through a warehouse. They pull us through a door into a hallway. It isn’t very long, but I can hear constant thudding and groaning noises in the distance. It’s off-putting, and I feel dizzy with my emotions already wreaking havoc.

They pull us through into an open expanse. It’s cold in here. The frost is bitter as it seeps into my bones, chilling me to the core. I glance around at the shipping containers and empty soup cans.
