Page 95 of Notorious

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“Haven’s not here right now. Tonight, you get Blue Jay. You remember her? You met her that first night at Gears. Are you ready?”

I see the spark light in his eyes, and a slow grin forms onhis face as he goes to grip my waist to try and flip me over, but I grab his hands, pinning them to the bed, and slide my knee precariously between his. Desire burns in his gaze at my challenge, and I ever so slightly push against his balls, a firm nudge to remind him of what I’m capable of. My hand comes free, and I slap him hard across the face. His eyes blaze, the spark emanating from him fiercely.

There he is.

There’s my Alpha.

“You wanna play, Blue Jay? Let’s play!”

“Be careful what you wish for, Alpha. You haven’t seen what I’m capable of,” I warn, my lips twisting in a mischievous grin.

Before he can reply, I have his belt undone and release my hold to yank his pants down. He doesn’t fight or argue before he lifts his hips to give me the clearance I need to pull them off. As soon as the denim is free, his cock bounces, the swollen head leaking, and I lick my lips. Not wanting to let it go to waste, I lean over him and pinch his nipples between my fingertips while my mouth lowers over his cock all the way to the base.

“Jesus, fuck, little lamb,” he hollers, and I can’t help but smile around his length. I stick my tongue out, licking the base of his shaft and balls, all while swallowing, letting my throat close around the head, and taking pleasure in his groans.

Releasing his nipples, I let my nails drag down his abs, applying enough pressure I’m sure welts will follow in their wake. I need him to forget, if only for tonight.

But I also need him to rememberwhocan give him this.

Whois here forhim.

Alpha releases a hiss from between his teeth, and I pull up, letting my mouth pull off him with an audible pop. “Stay right there. If you know what’s good for you, you won’t move,” I warn, and a part of me hopes he tries me. To ensure he knows I mean business, I stroke his length, my grip firm, then slide it down tohis balls, where I hold, giving them a testing squeeze. “Mm… you like that. Look at your cock bobbing for me, leaking onto your stomach.”

His eyes follow my gaze before they flick up to mine, and the inferno resting there makes my insides heat. The man hasn’t even touched me, and I’m ready to burn.

I stand and turn my back to him as I pull my tank top over my head, tossing it to the floor with his pile of clothes. Next, I bend, shimmying my jeans over my hips, exaggerating each pop of my hips.

A set of arms loops around my waist, and I’m pulled back into Alpha’s hold before he growls into my ear. “Are you trying to torture me?” he asks, his breaths coming in heavy pants.

I use the moment to kick out of my shoes, jeans, and panties then fall against him, giving him the illusion that I’m succumbing to him. His hold loosens enough for me to turn in his grip and step back, forcing him to follow me, but I wasn’t prepared for the momentum pushing me back.

Before I slam against his memory wall, he spins me, pushing me past the side table and knocking something to the floor with a thud. It smashes when he slams me against the door. In a rush, I don’t see what it was as his lips devour mine, leaving no room for argument. Alpha slides his hands roughly up my sides before gripping my breasts, squeezing to the point of pain as he presses his cock against me.

Threading my fingers through his hair, I yank, biting hold of his lower lip, and smile when he has to rip it free. “I told you to stay still,” I remind him, watching his tongue slide over the blood pooling on his lip.

“What did you think would happen, swinging that ass in my face? You were fucking begging for this,” he growls out, sliding a hand down my belly and between my legs. When his fingers push between my folds, he sucks in a breath before shoving threefingers into me, the sound lewd with how wet I am for him.

He’s not gentle as he finger fucks me, and if I had to guess, this is his way of punishing me. I will gladly take whatever this man has to give and then some. “Harder,” I press, wanting him to have this moment but also needing the release my body is desperate for.

Alpha lets go of my other breast, shifting it to hold my throat. Then he leans his forehead against mine when he squeezes and asks, “Why? How fucking could you!” His hold tightens, effectively cutting off what little air I could take in. With a short shove, my head bounces against the door, but I don’t fight. Even as my lungs protest, needing air, I simply stare at him, trying to convey how sorry I am. “I fucking trusted you. My brother betraying me was bad enough, but finding out you came here and thought you could manipulate me? And fuck, little lamb. You almost did. I should end you,” he admits before his lips take mine in a powerful and painful claim.

My head is getting woozy, but I refuse to deny him this.

He’s not wrong.

I had every intention of filling the kill order.

Until I didn’t.

He has every right to hate me.

I may have brought him his kid back, but it may not be enough.

I knew it was a possibility.

I knew it was a risk.

My lips slacken, and I can’t hold myself upright, sagging my weight against the door. If this is how I go, there are worse things. Just before darkness takes hold, a sharp yet gentle slap smacks across my face, and I snap my eyes open.
