Page 32 of Cass' Vow

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I don’t know if she sees my whole body shaking or the fact that the blood has completely drained from my face first.

“What is it?” She asks.

“It’s him.” I mumble.

“Him, who?” she grabs my arm pushing me into a chair.

“The guy on Arin’s bench. It’s him.”

“Stay right here.” She orders me before disappearing from sight.

“Hey Arin,” she calls out. “Can you take a break for a couple of minutes?”

“I’ll be right there,” Arin answers. She must know something is wrong because we don’t usually interrupt her when she’s with a client.

Pacing the floor until Arin appears in front of me, I grab her hand dragging her outside. Mika follows us.

“That’s him.” I manage to say.

“What’s who?” Mika asks.

“Link, Lincoln, my ex is on your bench.”

“Oh shit.”

Suddenly Arin’s eyes light up and she gives me an evil grin. “Take my car, go find Taylor or Jake. I’ve got a special tattoo to finish.”

Heading for Arin’s car I glance back only to see Arin rubbing her hands together. That woman is up to something. I sure am glad I’m not on her bad side.

The first place I check is the gym, if Jake isn’t with me he is at work. He has invested everything in that place. Hanta is at the desk looking frazzled when I walk in.

“Hey Hanta, I didn’t know you were working today. You seen Jake?”

“No Ma’am, I called him a while ago about a broken machine and he said he would be in soon but he never showed.”

“Do you know where he was when you called?”

“I think he was going to Eagle’s Roost for a beer, Ma’am.”

“Thank you!” I shout bolting out the door.

I don’t even bother with Arin’s car, the bar is close enough that I just run straight there.

Arriving out of breath, I fall on the nearest bar stool and a sexy Scottish guy in a kilt walks over, eyeing me up.

“Well Hello there Darlin, the ladies don’t usually get out of breath until after they’ve been with me.” He says wiggling his hips.

Not expecting that, I don’t know what to say for a moment. I just look at him until he snaps his fingers in front of my face.

“You alright there, pretty lady?” He asks.

“Jake ... umm Jacob Parks. Have you seen him?”

“Him and his friend left about an hour ago.” He answers before looking down the bar and shouting, “Hey Scoot, why are the good ones taken?”

“Because you’re a big bastard and scare ‘em away with your bagpipes!” a voice calls back laughing.

I’m halfway out the door before he finishes talking.
