Page 33 of Cass' Vow

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By the time I get back to Arin’s car, I’ve dialed Jake’s cell number three times. He’s not answering.

At first I just wanted to tell him I was leaving but now, I’m thinking something bad happened to him.

As the car starts I peel out of there and head for Jake’s house.

When he doesn’t answer to me pounding on the door, I get out the key he gave me last week.

It’s weird having the key to someone else’s house, I honestly never thought I would use it. Calling out for him as soon as the door opens I get no response so I search every room of the house.

I feel stupid for even checking the closets. I mean, dang. who hides in the closet. I don’t know what I was thinking but I’m quickly losing my mind.

Having no idea where else he could be, I reluctantly head for Arin’s house. Maybe Taylor has heard from him?

Chapter 9


Pulling up outsideof Arin’s house, I see several cars in the driveway indicating they have company. I’m about to turn around and leave when I realize one of the cars belongs to Mika.

Jumping out, I hurry up the steps to the door and rap loudly, hoping they don’t think I’m just crazy.

I’ve looked everywhere for Jake and I just have this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

My mind is racing with scary thoughts when the door in front of me is thrown open and I see Arin standing there.

She smiles at first but looking at me fully, her smile fades away as she grabs my arm, pulling me inside.

“Hey. What’s wrong?” She asks, closing the door behind us.

“I can’t find Jake.” I huff out.

“Okay.” Her brows are drawn together, trying to process what I mean.

“I’ve looked everywhere and I’ve called his phone. He’s not answering!” My voice shakes as tears pool in my eyes.

“Why don’t you come in here and explain everything, okay?” She turns me towards the kitchen where I see Taylor, Mika and Atka all looking in our direction clearly having heard our conversation.
