Page 34 of Cass' Vow

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Guiding me to a chair next to the others, she walks over to the refrigerator grabbing a bottle of water. She takes a seat at the table after handing it to me.

“Start from the beginning.” She says, everyone looks to me, waiting patiently.

None of them interrupt as I go through it all from the day Lincoln tried to kill me, to seeing him getting a tattoo at the shop and all the way through my hunt for Jake today.

I’m crying and shaking again by the end of my story and I slump back into my chair.

“Taylor?” Arin asks, looking over at her husband.

“Yes. I’ll make a few calls over to the police department. See if we can figure out where this Link is staying.” He says, standing up from his chair.

“Don’t give them too much information. I’m going to call my brother. The Sons are most likely going to be our best bet of finding this guy and they won’t want the police involved.” Atka says to him.

Taylor looks like he might refuse but thinks better about it.

“You’re probably right. I’ll be careful what I tell them.”

As the men rush off to make their calls, Arin gets up to start a pot of coffee before sitting down at the table again.

“Out with it.” Mika demands looking at Arin.

Looking between my two friends, I wonder what they are going on about.

“What do you mean?” Arin asks.

“Don’t play that with me. I know damn well you have a plan here. There’s no way we are leaving this to the men. Bad-ass motorcycle club or not! Besides, they are more likely to mess something up.”

“You know me too well.” Arin giggles, shaking her head.

“We’re sisters.” Mika shrugs. “Now our newest little sister needs help, so out with your plan.”

“Let’s see what the men find out first. By then, I’ll definitely have a plan ready to go.” She grins at the both of us.

“These two are so weird.” I accidently say out loud and the two women in front of me start laughing so hard tears start streaming down their faces.

For the first time since I started freaking out about not being able to find Jake, I start to feel better.

I’m not alone any more. I now have a family that truly cares about me. Cares about the same things that I care about and it feels fucking great.

That mother fucker took way too much from me already. I’m not about to let him take all of this, all of these people and especially Jake away from me.

This is my family and I am going to fight to keep it!
