Page 35 of Cass' Vow

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Ifeel like I’m wakingup in a fog as I try to clear my vision. The smell of damp dirt and mold invades my senses.

Finding light filtering in from above I realize I’m under a house. My hands are tied and I have something over my mouth.

Screaming for help wouldn’t do any good and although my feet are free, there’s no way to pull myself from wherever I am.

As I try to see further into the darkness around me, I hear a car from somewhere and then footsteps as they go inside the house above me.

Kicking my leg out, there’s just enough room to kick the floor hard enough for whoever it is to hear me.

Kicking it several times, the footsteps move until they are just above where I’m laying.

“Shut the fuck up under there!” I hear someone yell back at me.

The voice sounds vaguely familiar and it takes me several long minutes to realize where I’ve heard it before.

The man from the bar, the one that bought me a drink. Come to think of it, that’s pretty much the last thing that I remember before waking up here.

Did he put something in my drink to knock me out?

I know that I don’t know this man. At least I don’t think that I do. Maybe he’s some obsessed fan from my MMA days? There were always a few of those that showed up from time to time.

Kicking out yet again, I give the floor several more solid wacks with my foot as best I can. If I had more room, I know I could kick a hole in the floor if I wasn’t still so weak.

“You stupid fucker! Did you really think you could have a woman like her? Did you have fun fucking that sweet ass pussy? It knows how to grip a cock so well, doesn’t it? I’ll let you watch me fuck it next time.” He laughs.

At his words, I try to scream but it’s muffled so I start back to kicking again.

This must be Cass’ ex. The one she’s been so frightened of. The reason she has nightmares.

“Now shut the fuck up down there before I end your ass now instead of later. I’ve got business to tend to.”

I lay there quietly and a minute later I hear his footsteps walk away. I try to fight off whatever it is he gave me but I lose the battle as my eyes close in the darkness.

Hopefully I can sleep this shit off and get to Cass before he does.
