Page 36 of Cass' Vow

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Less than an hour later, we’re all inside a room in the back of the Eagle’s Roost bar owned by the motorcycle club.

The men tried and failed to get us women to stay behind at Arin and Taylor’s cabin.

Eagle, the President of the club and Atka’s brother was nicer than I thought a man in an MC would be. He’s handsome but has a look about him that is frightening.

Arin advised Mika and I to sit here in the room quietly, not saying a word unless spoken to.

I guess there’s a reason for her madness. Men tend to say all kinds of things when they forget that you’re in the room.

“That’s where he’s staying. Stupid fuck rented it using his credit card.” Mac says to the men standing around him.

“Tell all the guys to be ready to head out in twenty.” Eagle tells the man standing next to him. “You two planning to come along?” He asks Taylor and Atka who answer with a firm yes.

“Ladies, I need to use the restroom. What about you?” Arin asks, looking at us strangely.

Deciding she definitely expects Mika and I to follow her, we stand up to follow her out of the room.

“Where do you think you three are off to?” Taylor demands, halting our progress.

“Unless you want us to pee on this floor, we’re going down the hall to the restroom.” Arin says with a raised brow.

Taylor shakes his head at her, “Do not even think of getting crazy ideas. Straight to the bathroom and straight back. Are we clear?” He points to all three of us until we shake our heads. “Wait, empty your pockets.” He demands from Arin who grins.

Pulling her pockets inside out to show she doesn’t have anything, she smiles widely, leaning in to kiss his cheek before turning away.

“We’ll be right back my love.” She says.

Walking out of the room, we don’t dare turn to see if he’s watching us as we go to the correct door. Once the door closes behind us, Arin locks it quickly and waits several long minutes listening for any sounds outside the door.

“Now what?” I whisper as she turns back to Mika and I.

“This is where those workouts with Jake are going to come in handy.” Arin grins back at me.

“We’re going out the window.” Mika answers with a small chuckle as we all turn to look at the one lone window high up on the wall.
