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I was anxious for the day she could meet him, and I would get him back. She’d fall for him, too. How could she not?

I believed that Shatter was secretly happy—though I’d have to secure a bite from her to really confirm it. If I left a bite on her, nothing would happen at all, (except a hot as fuck mark). Since Dusk was pack lead, a role I didn’t envy, he was the only one that could offer a bond bite. But if she sank her fangs into me, I’d get an omega’s temporary connection. I’d be able to feel what she was like in a mini pack bond.

I wanted that so badly.

I wanted her, actually. I wasn’t picky how. Being near her was good, but it was making me crave more.

Shatter had been to a bunch of study sessions with Roxy now, and she always came back glowing. She was increasingly comfortable during the evenings when Dusk asked her to join us for a movie, or to study—though she refused to help him with homework even though she’d help me if I asked.

That’s what we were doing right now.

It was Friday evening, which meant no more scent blockers for the weekend. I was impatient though, and brought her one of Dusk’s ‘anti scent blocker’ pills when I grabbed us drinks.

She narrowed her eyes at me when I placed it in her hand expectantly.

It wasn’t bad for her. I’d been drugged up with all kinds of things in my life. There were hormone suppressants—those were nasty, scent blockers were a tier down but not great—though I understood why Dusk was being cautious with the Lincoln pack. We didn’t know what they’d do if they found out who she was. But this pill just undid it all, which was much better, so she couldn’t really complain.

She still had a pout on her face, though.

“I want your scent in my room, Nightshade.” Ihopeda few hours with her in my room would be enough to get me through the week. I could ask her to scent mark something to be sure, but then she’d be onto me.

She took a sip of her water, but then pressed the pill into her cheek. Probably told herself it was to get out of punishment, and not because she liked that we were obsessed with her scent.

She was so damned pretty. Her wild honey brown hair was loose around her shoulders, now, super fucking beautiful even half straightened with the littlecrimps all over it. It just framed her cute heart shaped face like a mane, and it wasperfect.

Her contacts were gone (just for me) and the skirts Dusk had bought for her were going to be my fucking death. Every time I saw the smooth golden skin of her thighs, I just wanted to grab them and sink my teeth in. Today she’d chosen a short black skirt with matching thigh-high stockings, and she was wearing a loose white top that hung off one shoulder. The silver necklace with our crest and star hung around her delicate neck. Sometimes I just stared at it, dreaming of ripping it off and replacing it with a bond.

A princess bond—I’d give her one of those in a heartbeat.

It made omegas like… queen bee of the pack. Totally worshipped, all her wild emotions on blast so I would know right away what needed tending if she was having a bad day. And fuck, when she was horny for us, I’d been told that was aride.

We couldn’t, though. Princess bonds werescent matchesonly.

Dumb, since sheshouldbe our mate. I think the universe needed a reboot.

I could dream, though.

Those bonds glittered on an omegas skin like that necklace did. It would look so sweet on her.

She glanced up at me from beneath thick lashes, and I realised I’d started humming contentedly as I daydreamed. I should be helping her research on my laptop. It was impossible to get through an academy like this without one, but she was shit at using computers. I’d offered to help her figure it out, but she got all flustered at the idea of it. It made me wonder where she’d come from. Nocomputer skills, no phone, even—and Dusk, notably, hadn’t bought one for her, despite buying her everything else.

Probably good. She’d be finding ways to sneak texts to the Lincoln pack behind our back.

She was killing it in her classes, though, which was better than I could say, but I was doing alright in Creative Writing, which was more fun than I’d anticipated.

“You guys should let that Bolin guy know that Dusk needs extra help in Auras Quantified.”

“What?” I asked. “Dusk?”

She nodded.

Nah. “Youhelp him.”

“Nope.” She crossed her arms, expression stubborn.

“Come on, you’re a mad genius at it. You’d get him on track in no time.”

Her cheeks heated, but she didn’t reply, reading through the article I’d pulled up for her.
