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Shatter was a victim of experimentation, just like we had been.

…Unforeseen incident constituting sabotage…

…Incident involving the omega subject Number One…

…Instead of the anticipated Dr. Balch serum, the subject was inadvertently injected with a substance later identified as “Atropa’s Poison.” A drug used in illegal experimentation of alphas in the same facility prior to repossession by the Institute…

Two words stuck:Inadvertently injected.

Something had gone wrong, just like with Ransom.

I re-scanned it.Illegal experimentation of alphas?I checked the details again, and my heart sank as I recognised the location.

It was the same facility.

The experimentations me and Umbra had been a part of, those had been illegal. Run by scum looking to make a profit with no ethics involved. When it was shut down, it had been repossessed by the Institute. We hadn’t dug, too afraid to poke them, for fear of them discovering who we were. Whatever happened there, it was supposed to be better.

Yet, she was the same as us.

As I read on, everything fell into place. Guilt was a fist around my throat as I forced myself to continue.

…The sabotage, which resulted in the deaths of four members of staff, was a vengeful act by an alphapreviously subjected to experimentation in our facility during a separate program that was shut down due to severe, illegal and unethical practices…

The program me and Umbra had been a part of.

…He had intimate knowledge of the facility’s workings, ultimately leading to the injection of Atropa’s Poison into the omega subject on the day of the program’s launch…

Most of those alphas—the ones like us—had died. We’d seen their bodies, but maybe a few had escaped. I had never considered what that could mean…

But one, at least,hadescaped. They’d returned with vengeance, and Shatter was the one who had paid. She’d been injected with the same substance we believed Ransom had been injected with.

A drug that was dangerous, and never designed for injection at all.

I was scanning papers from the documents I’d had before—the old papers containing details of our pack. I’d read all of them a thousand times, but I had to see it for myself. Finally, I found an old report: Blood tests from Ransom, right after he’d begun to deteriorate.

The laboratory findings reveal the presence of ‘Atropa’s Poison’ in the patient's bloodstream. Atropa’s Poison is a restricted substance, toxic to alphas, inducing symptoms of paranoia, anxiety, loss of aura control, and heightened aggression toward others. Most significantly, Atropa’s Poison results in delusions compelling them to harm others for self-preservation, driven by a fear of imminent death.

Atropa’s Poison is conventionally administered via inhalation rather than injection.

Symptoms from injection: unknown.

Prognosis from injection: unknown

I knew the poison back to front. It was a weapon of war, not intended for use on betas or omegas. I grabbed a pen, scribbling a note and taping it to Ransom’s old records.

“Did she become Ransom’s cure?”

I had to keep it logged. It happened rarely, but sometimes I was swept away by the past just like Umbra, my own instability catching up with me. When I woke up, I didn’t always remember what had happened. Nothing here could be lost.

I took a picture and sent it to Decebal, then returned to Shatter’s logs.

…Given recent revelations and ethical considerations regarding both staff deaths and the Institute’s methods of subject acquisition, I, Dr. Eugene Howard, have decided to step back from the program. Subject One is now under ethical monitoring and resides in my home with restricted access to citizens. Presently, she is confined to the Estate for ongoing observation and care. Continued updates will be provided to assess her readiness for reintegration into society…

That must be how she’d met the Lincoln pack. They’d visited the Estate, and she’d been there. She’d caught their scent, and they’d never caught hers.

In the latest assessment, I aim to provide a comprehensive overview of Subject One’s symptoms.

…Mood swings and heightened instinctual omega behaviours… Irregular and shorter heats… No memories prior to injection… Scent of deadly nightshade remains, and, significantly, is incompatible with conventional pack matching.
