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Eric: You wanted the crazy roses chick.

Gareth: Apparently she puts out whenever. What’s the point of this place if I can’t get my dick sucked when I feel like it?

I was reading through the transcriptions Decebal had sent me this week. Any pieces of information that he thought might be relevant. This one, like most, turned my stomach. A part of me wanted to take them to Shatter and read them to her so she would understand the kind of vermin her mates were. But this wasn’t the worst of it, and these alphas were so foul while she was so fucking pure that I ran the risk of her thinking it was a trick—that I’d fabricated it to convince her to commit to us.

It’s the only way I saw that conversation going right now.

Instead, I read on, committing to memory everything as I always did.

Eric: I’m bored of this stupid school. Four years? Can’t we just wait for his parents to kick the bucket? We already fixed his fucking problems.

Gareth: He was right to be paranoid. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t be the same if it was you.

Eric: It’s not me. He wants sympathy? Then he shouldn’t have blackmailed us into keeping pack lead. Fuck him. I almost hope it blows up in his face.

Gareth: Yeh. Fucking. Right. How much of his money did you spend last week?

My eyes dropped from the transcripts as another text came in.

My heart skipped a beat at the words.

Decebal: I found her.

The text stared up at me from my phone before the next popped up.

Decebal: It was the interest in Eugene Howard. Sending it with encryption. Delete it. This isn’t shit you want getting around.

Decebal: There was more, but we were kicked the moment we got into the server. Couldn’t get back. This stuff is locked up tight.

I tapped it open, already walking back down to my room.

I’d print it and the electronic files would be destroyed. There were some things that couldn’t be left to hack. Some things I only trusted in my hand, able to be burned at any point.

Like the photo I’d snapped of her golden eyes. It was long gone.

After I’d printed out the information, I went to my safe in the back of my closet and unlocked it, pulling out the folder I’d been building. It was the only place I felt safe keeping this information. Anything incriminating about Shatter would end up in here. Nowhere else, just like the information I had kept on our pack. I sat down on the bed, finally finding the courage to read what Decebal had sent.

It was a photo of a handwritten report. I recognised the Institute stamp on the top to match ones I’d seen a thousand times before. My heart skipped a beat.

Centre for Omega Enhancement.

The underbelly of our government, responsible for managing unusual aura cases. I knew of them because they were one of the groups that wanted to see us captured.

Why was it on a document about Shatter?

It was confirmation that my draw to her wasn’t a fluke—shewasone of us.

My eyes scanned the page. It was a report by Arkologist, Dr. Eugene Howard. The man Shatter had been interested in—the one who had sponsored the Lincoln pack.

Subject: Subject Number One - Failed Experiment

To: The Center for Omega Enhancement.

From: Dr. Eugene Howard - Lead Researcher

Objective: Evaluation on Omega Subject Number One’s safety in society by assessing her well-being and identifying risks to her and others.

I scanned the sheet, sifting through them, and my blood chilled as I read the contents. The words blurred together, painting a picture of the true nature of what had been done to her.
