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And no pills to drug me. But Eric was my mate—he’d never dosomething like that.

I hugged my drink and my pencil case to my chest, trying to shove Dusk from my mind again as Eric led me back to the lounge.

Roxy was coming.

We arrived at a set of couches in the far corner where Flynn and Gareth were waiting. Flynn’s eyebrows shot up when he saw me, and Gareth straightened.

“Shatter?” Flynn asked, getting to his feet, cutting his conversation off with an alpha from the Hargrave pack. He crossed toward me, eyes intense as he took me in, and I saw a little frown crease his face. He glanced at Eric, then back to me.

“Are you okay?” he asked, and I was grateful that his voice was low so no one else would hear.

“She’s waiting for Roxy. In a bit of trouble.”

“It’s not… not a big deal,” I lied again.

“You look…” He trailed off, clearly aware of the stares we were getting. “Are you in danger?”

I opened my mouth, then shut it, glancing around. “I… really sh-shouldn’t be here.”

“You’re waiting with us.” His voice was firm, and his hand was on my waist, leading me to the couch.

I sat between him and Gareth, anxiously hoping no rumours would start before I could sort this out. I was sandwiched between the scents of sesame seed and sunflower, and coconut and plum. Each was as mind scrambling as Eric’s passionfruit, which wasn’t what I needed right now.

“You alright, love?” Gareth asked. He was well built, with tanned skin and blond hair. I remember how much he’d caught my eye when I’d first seen their pack. But now his bright blue eyes and sesame scent seemed wrong. So far from sandstorm irises, or the dark woody scent of wolfsbane… So far from what I knew.

I nodded, taking a large drink and blinking harshly.

It tasted horrible, and nothing like the one I’d had with Dusk at the bar the other day. I must have picked an awful-tasting alcohol. Or maybe this was how these sorts of drinks were supposed to taste when they weren’t full of sugar like the one at the bar.

“You don’t like it?” Eric asked, clearly catching my poorly hidden reaction. I glanced down at it.

“It’s great.”

Roxy better hurry. They were being too nice. It was muddling me up.

Oliver and Jasmine entered the room, and I abandoned my dislike of the drink, hoping it would at least keep me from bursting into tears in front of other omegas before I could leave.

They took the couch on our left, where Oliver’s pack was lounging. I could feel Jasmine’s eyes burning into me, and had trouble figuring out where I was supposed to look. Eric was watching me occasionally, perched on the arm of the couch, poorly hiding his concern.

The conversation was rowdy, and the Hargrave pack were discussing sports with Flynn and Gareth. I sipped on my drink and dug my nails into my pencil case, trying not to count the seconds.

“You’re the only omega who will ever belong between us.”Dusk’s words sounded in my head, and I shoved them away.

I hadn’t realised how deep those thorns had sunk until they’d been ripped free. Now, breathing felt like trying to hold air within shredded lungs. I took another long drink, forcing back the heartbreak and pain.

My fault… foolish and stupid for ever listening to them, for falling for them…

Usually, I would be taking note, trying to memorise everything Flynn and Gareth were saying about what team they supported in Aura boxing, but I just couldn’t.

I felt a slight buzz settle over my mind. Good. Calmer was good.

When far too long had passed and Eric glanced at his phone again, I got to my feet and edged to him. “How long until she’s back?” I whispered.

“She got delayed,” he said.

Eric caught my expression. “We’re worried, alright. I can tell everyone to go home if?—”

“No.” Oh gosh, no. My cheeks heated up just at the thought of it. That would be so much worse.
