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Shatter pouted, folding her arms, but didn’t seem to have a response to that.

Umbra chuckled as he crossed to his huge pan of sausages and eggs and began serving up.


We’d had breakfast, and Decebal had retrieved a USB from his car. “It has everything on it,” Dusk had said. Umbra was printing it out right now for us.

Until then, Decebal had wanted to look at my wounds. I wasn’t ready for Umbra and Ransom to see them, so me, Dusk and Decebel were in another room in the huge cabin. It had a pool table, a home theatre and a big cove of couches. I liked it here. Every room had huge windows showing the trees outside which reminded me a bit of the gardens in the Estate.

“The two on your shoulder and arm, could I check them over and make sure they’re not getting infected?” Decebal asked. “I could check them all?—”

He cut off, catching my expression.

“But I…” He cleared his throat. “I assumed you might not want me to, given where some are. We can just see if Dusk did a decent job.”

Oh. “Okay.” I nodded. “How do you know where they are?” I asked.

“Dusk informed me he matched yours,” Decebal snorted.


Decebal was tall, with deathly pale skin, a scar across his left cheek, and tattoos that crept up to his jawline. He looked super badass, though he was gentle as he peeled back the dressing that Dusk had put on.

“It’s alright?” Dusk asked at my side.

“Yeh. Just want to make sure. Going to give it another clean.”

I tried to settle as I felt the cool touch along the wound. It didn’t hurt as much as yesterday.

“Are you okay with my scent?” I asked, hyper-aware that I was no longer on any scent blockers. He was an alpha, with a nice scent of roses and cranberries.

“I think so,” he said with a shrug.

“But… it’s not good?” I asked. I knew he’d read over the files just like Dusk had. I heard Dusk’s rumbling growl at my side and darted a look in his direction.

“I don’t get much information from other alphas,” I whispered.

I just had to live in fear. And Decebal seemed calm.

Dusk rolled his eyes.

Decebal chuckled. “I can understand why it might be… unexpected, but it’s not too much.” I heard him rooting around in his kit. “You were told one of the solutions was bonding a pack?”

“Yes.” My voice was small.

“I can’t say for sure, but I think the bond balanced it out. It’s not aggravating like it was described in some of the logs I did read.”

“It’s like… worse for alphas if they’re near a rut, right.”

Decebal chuckled. “I’m perpetually near a rut,” he said. “But it’s not bad, though I’ve never been much into the super sweet omega scents anyway.”

“What’s mine like to you?”

“Floral, earthy. When we match an omega, I hope it’s like that.”

I smiled as he finished and moved around to my arm, where Dusk helped me tug the shoulder of my shirt down.

“You watching?” he asked Dusk.
