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“What?” he asks. His dimple presses at the side of his mouth in a self-conscious purse, so kissable I could scream.

“You’re beautiful.”

He squeezes my thigh, probably meant to be a sweet gesture of thanks, but the image of his hand, big and spread across my thigh, is porn, produced simply for pleasure and a little bit obscene.

“I’m in love with you,” he says back. I don’t think he knows how good he is at one-upmanship. I tell him he’s strong, he tells me I’m a genius. I take him out for dinner, he takes me away for the weekend. I compliment him, he lays me bare with five words.

“Blergh.”Sometimes it’s hard to put into words how he makes me feel. He squeezes again, the gentlest scold, and he might as well put his hands down my cutoffs. I close my eyes, resting my head against the seat, spread my own hand out on the leather.

“The first time I got in this truck,” I say.

“You wondered how many people I’d fucked in this truck. You told me.”

“When are you going to fuck me in this truck?”

He huffs a laugh, barely audible over the sound of the tires on asphalt. “Sorry to disappoint you.”

At the click of my unbuckled seat belt, he looks over again, his foot easing off the gas. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I slide over the seat, the small rips and tears in the leather biting at the back of my thighs. The truck slows more. “Keep driving,” I whisper.

“Lulu, what are you...oh,” he says when my hand lands on the bulge in his faded jeans, as my palm travels down his leg and back up, as he hardens beneath my touch. “Oh,” he says again, his voice decidedly neutral.

“Keep driving, Jesse.” I pop the button at the top of his jeans. He blinks down at my hand then back at the road, his cheeks flushed like he’s spent the whole day in the sun.

“What about the barbecue?” The steering wheel cracks beneath his palms. His chest rises and falls heavily, his stomach quivers against my wrist. “Everyone will be there.”

“You just drove past the turn,” I remind him and he jerks in the driver’s seat to check his blind spot as the road to my parents’ farmhouse shrinks in the rearview.

I take my hand away. “We can turn around if...” I offer, even if all I want is to feel him come apart against my tongue, while the wind from the road tickles the back of my neck and my knees stick to the leather seat. But Jesse flips on his signal light, slowing even more and turning onto another road that eventually leads to summer cottages and hunting camps, which don’t get a lot of traffic as the end of summer nears.

“OK.” I sit back.

“Oh no.” He puts the truck in park as he comes skidding to a stop on the gravel shoulder, whips off his seat belt with a click and awhirr, and reaches for me. “I just didn’t want the car to be moving with your seat belt off.”

He kisses my smile, holding my face in his hands. He kisses my teeth more than he kisses my lips but there’s nothing I can do about that. It’s his fault I’m so happy.

“Is that a yes, then?” I ask, my hands already moving down his body, pulling the zipper on his jeans.

“To road head? Hell yes.”

He lifts his hips, pushing his jeans and boxers down his legs, his cock hard, bouncing against his stomach. I kick off my shoes onto the floor of the cab so I can kneel on the seat. “Technically, it’s only road head if you’reonthe road.” I wrap my hand around him. I hope I never get over the thrill I get from being allowed to touch him.

“I’m not going to drive while we...” He blinks like he lost his train of thought as I pump him in my fist. “It’s not safe,” he grits out, when I spit into my palm and pump him again. “And illegal.”

He’s so handsome and rumpled. Distressed at the possibility of danger. I pull away just to frame him between my fingers, naked from the waist to the knees, lecturing me on road safety, golden, handsome, beautiful.

“What are you doing?” He gives Grump Face.

“Remembering this.”

I take him in both hands and into my mouth.

His body melts into the seat. He is heat on the tip of my tongue. The wind blows through the trees outside the car window, the cicadas drone in the late Saturday afternoon heat. Inside the cab of this truck, though, there’s only the sound of his breath caught between his teeth, my name whispered under his breath, the squeak of leather beneath my knees, my lips stretched around the head of his cock.

He presses his hand to the back of my neck and every point of contact, his hand, my mouth, my knees on his bench seat, my name in his mouth, they all burn inside me until I’m on fire for him, pulling at him, dragging my teeth, consumed by him and consuming him, and he’s coming in my mouth with his fist in my hair, the other on his thigh, and he says, “Lulu, Lulu, Lu.”

As I sit up, a car speeds by on the highway behind us. Too fast to have even noticed us parked akimbo on the side of the road. Jesse looks asleep, except for his chest, which pumps like he’s squatted a new personal best, and his hand squeezing mine.
