Page 100 of Saving Kate

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“Get him to the warehouse. I don’t care what it takes. Him and that bitch wife of his,” Ax tells me.

“Already notifying everyone.”

I head out to the gym while I wait. I feel like all I’m doing lately is waiting. Waiting for Kate to be Kate again. Waiting for her to yell at me and then forgive me so I can hold her. Waiting for Ax to get his head out of his ass and man up to tell her the secret he’s still holding on to. Not to mention admitting to himself that he feels for her the exact same way Asher and I do.

If it was anyone else besides Kate, I’d be pissed to hear someone else was falling for her. But— it’s Katelyn. She’s feisty and strong and has a bigger heart than she should. She’s been dealt the worst fucking hand and even now, with her at a breaking point, I just know she’s going to rebuild herself. If only she didn’t think she had to rebuild everything on her own.

That’s why, as fucked up as it is. I’m glad she has us. Ax, Asher and me.

She’ll never have to handle any of this shit alone.

I finish my work out when my knuckles threaten to bleed. I text Colt back when he sends me an updated location for Stephen. I don’t know what the fucker is up to, but he’s only a few hours out from us and it makes my skin boil.

Asher and Ax are still at the island of the kitchen looking on edge when I come back inside. Their stress seems to be overwhelming Rhonda who keeps glancing at them as she finishes the stir fry.

“What did the doctor say?” I ask them.

“She’s still here,” Ax says glaring down the hallway.

I imagine it is taking all his willpower not to go insert himself in the appointment and I hope it’s killing him inside. I still hate how he handled all this.

I hate how I handled all this.

I show the text from Colt to them but before they can say anything, Doctor Wilson starts walking toward us.

She sighs and puts her binders down.

“I’m only speaking with you because she’s given permission,” she informs us. “And I’m only not going to the police with everything because,” she hesitates as she eyes us and I raise an eyebrow waiting for her to finish. “I dug into Valley Hill. And I don’t like what I’ve found. I keep hitting dead ends but between what I’ve found and what Ax has informed me of, I think your team is pretty spot on with your theories.”


“All that aside, Katelyn is extremely traumatized right now. Her mind is piecing itself back together faster than it can even handle. At this point you’ve essentially ripped off the bandaid and there’s no telling how long it’s going to take to heal.”

“But she’s going to be alright?” Asher asks.

She rubs the bridge of her nose. “Will she live? Yes. But,” she shakes her head. “I’m not sure what she’s going to be like in the short term or even long term. The panic attacks, the insomnia, the depression, it’s all to be expected.”

“So, we just let her waste away on that fucking couch and do nothing?” Ax snaps and I grip his elbow to remind him to watch his fucking mouth.

She’s still a doctor.


We all look at her surprised and she chuckles.

“Katelyn is strong. Stronger than I think she gives herself credit for. I wouldn’t suggest forcing her to go back to full time work or having in detail conversations about her memories any time soon. But sometimes we all need a shoulder to lean on or even a kick in the butt. Getting back into a routine, a better sleep schedule, eating again, all of that will help her body heal while her mind is trying to repair itself.”

“Thank you,” Ax says, but she doesn’t turn to leave.

“I did try talking to her again about medications—”

“She doesn’t want them,” I snap at her.

The memory of her being forcefully injected by that piece of scum still makes me sick.

“She agreed to have some on hand for an as needed basis. They will only be taken by her own hands and she knows they are here so she will ask if she needs them.”

Asher shows Doctor Wilson out but I just glance at Ax. His face tells me our thoughts are on the same wavelength. Kate agreed to take medications?
