Page 101 of Saving Kate

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The realization of how broken she must feel makes my chest ache.



I gasp as I’m woken up by ice water being dumped on me. “FUCK!”

“Look,” I hear. “She speaks.”

I glare up at Ax who just smirks at me. The couch and my clothing are drenched and my body is already shivering.

“Get up,” he says simply as he steps back to give me space.

“Screw you.”

“Princess, if that’s what it would take to get your ass off my couch, I will gladly let you have your way with me.”

I could strangle him right now.

He kneels in front of me and I try not to let it show that my body reacts to his being so close.

I’ve got you Katie, it’s okay.

“I kicked out all the staff along with Asher and Eli. They are all too soft and you hurt their feelings. But me? You aren’t gonna hurt mine,” he warns me. “So, we are going to do this the easy way or the hard way. You are getting your ass up those stairs to shower and then you are helping me pick out a new couch since your ass is permanently indented on this one. Do you understand?”

When I don’t move he just grins.

“I was hoping we could do it my way, princess.”

I’m up and over his shoulder before I can even scream. I kick against his grip but he continues to climb the stairs like I weigh nothing.

“Keep wiggling that ass and I’ll smack it,” he warns me as he shuffles me around to stop me from falling.

“So help me, if you touch me I will cut off your fingers—”

“There’s my Katie,” he chuckles. “It’s not a good day if you don’t threaten bodily harm.”

I hate him.

He puts me back on my feet inside my bathroom and leans in so close, my skin peppers in goosebumps.

“Do you need help getting in there and washing up or do you think you can handle it yourself?”

“Where’s Asher and Eli? Maybe they’ll help me.”

His eyes narrow and I smirk. Point one for Kate.

“Don’t tempt me to call them,” he whispers. “I’d love hearing your moans and screams through the halls again, princess.”

Fuck. Point one for Ax.

“Get out.”

I push him and slam the door shut, making sure I lock it. “If I don’t hear that water on in thirty seconds I’m breaking the door down.”

I don’t test him.

I strip my clothing off, secretly grateful to finally change my clothes. My body feels greasy and the hot water relaxes my tensemuscles from sleeping on the couch. I wrap a towel around my body and squeeze out the water from my hair. I don’t have to look in the mirror to know I look like shit.
