Page 99 of Saving Kate

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I shake my head at him. “You’re ridiculous. Why should I believe anything you say?”

The guys have a stare off before Asher shakes his head. “Fuck you, Ax—”

“Shut up, Asher. Some shit isn’t your place—”

“No! Fuck that. I’m telling her what Colt found.”

“It’s not definitive yet,” Eli says, eyeing me.

“Someone just fucking tell me what is going on!” I scream at them.

“We think that settlement money was part of something more,” Eli says nervously.

“I thought this was about my trust fund?” I ask, shaking my head, confused.

The confusion and movement makes my stomach threaten to expel anything inside of it.

“We think it still is,” Ax says, turning to me and running a hand through his hair. “We still don’t know the details or exactly what’s going on.”

“Either I have a brain injury or you aren’t making sense,” I groan. “Are you talking in circles just to fuck with me some more? Because my head is already pounding.”

“We think your dad sold you to a trafficking ring. Through the NDA and that hospital.”

I don’t know who says it. It doesn’t matter. The bile that was sitting in my throat creeps up and I vomit on the carpet.




Fuck. Vomit. All over the carpet. But all I can focus on is the pain on Kate’s face. The anger in her eyes can’t protect her anymore. All I see is the raw pain. It may be from her dad and what truly happened to her mom, but I caused it. I told her. I lied to her. I’m still lying to her with the last piece of truth I am holding on to. It’s not even to protect her anymore, it’s only to protect myself.

Because fuck, I don’t want to see the pain and betrayal in her eyes when she finds out.



“Doctor Wilson,” I say when I greet the woman at the door.

She smiles at me sadly. I’m assuming Ax informed her of what’s been going on the last few days by the look on her face.

“It’s nice to see you. Where is Katelyn?”

I lead her over to the living room where Kate hasn’t moved from the couch in days. Even Edgar arriving back from vacation early didn’t get any words from her. She’s completely shut down. I thought her anger was the worst, I was wrong.

Doctor Wilson makes herself at home next to Kate on the couch and I give them privacy as I head toward the kitchen. Asher and Ax haven’t spoken to each other since Kate threw up all over her floor.

“Docs here,” I tell them. “Don’t even think about listening in,” I warn Ax.

He gives me a dirty look as my phone dings.

Colt: found S.

I show the phone to Ax and Asher.

“About fucking time,” Asher sighs.
