Page 11 of Saving Kate

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“Bianca, drop it,” I beg as my chest tightens.

“No, that's bull! Why would your dad let them live here?!”

“Because my dad can sniff a money tree even if it’s growing out of a troll's asshole?”

My comment causes all of them to look at me like I’m crazy and I roll my eyes.

“Money, right? You are somehow in business with my dad?”

Ax says nothing and the silence tells me enough.


“I lied,” Bianca says, eyeing me. “Your dad is even worse than mine. And sorry boys but this pussy is a no murderers allowed zone.”

She grabs the tequila and I raise an eyebrow at her, calling her bluff.

“Okay, well no murderers tied to your mom’s murder at least,” she hisses.

I shake my head at her with a sigh. The tequila is thankfully numbing me to the angry glares pointed my way and allowing me to avoid thinking about my mother’s murder.

Otherwise, I may feel uncomfortable.

“No one in The Vipers had anything to do with your mom’s death,” Eli finally says through a clenched jaw.

Ax throws a look at him then turns back to me briefly. He leaves without another word and disappears inside. Asher sighs and shakes his head.

“Not cool,” is all he mutters as he heads back to the pool.

Eli stares at me and I make a face at him. He rolls his eyes and turns back to join Asher.

“Way too much testosterone,” Bianca sighs. “And you haven’t even begun to fill me in on where you’ve been the last four fucking years!”

I raise an eyebrow at her. “No one told you I was overseas pursuing music?”

She stares at me like I have five heads but starts laughing loudly which catches me off guard.

“As your best friend who knows you better than anyone, come up with a better lie,” she chuckles.

I don’t miss Eli and Asher’s quick glance to me but it’s cut short when the door opens and Ax hands his phone to me. I eye him curiously but he says nothing as he just stands there.


“Katelyn Elizabeth, so help me god. Do you just enjoy pissing me off?!”

Bianca covers her mouth to hide her laughter and grabs the phone from me. Before I can react or stop her she puts it on speaker phone.

“—fucking pathetic and childish bullshit needs to stop. Are you trying to give me a fucking aneurism? If I need to lock you in that goddamn bedroom until you learn how to behave I will. Do you hear me?”

“Yup,” I answer with flaming cheeks as everyone stifles their amusement at my father losing his shit on me.

“Drop the attitude. I don’t give a fuck about what issues you have to work through, so long as your life is in my hands I’ll do as I see fit. Quit the fucking drinking, you never know how it’ll react with your meds.”

“My doctor says I don’t need—”

“And I’m the one who gets to decide. Do you fucking hear me?!”

My hand clenches around the phone as my hands tremble with anger. I go to turn the phone off speaker but Ax grabs my wrist stopping me.
