Page 12 of Saving Kate

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“One more phone call, one more fucking phone call and I will make sure you are so doped up you don’t even remember your own goddamn name. You’ll be seeing a new doctor next week, and you’ll keep seeing new ones every week until I approve of their treatment plan. Do you understand me?!”

I squeak out a reply as the call goes dead. Everyone stands there in silence for a minute but Bianca is unsurprisingly the first to speak.

“I’m calling my dad,” she snaps, grabbing a towel and disappearing into the house.

“Please, let go,” I say once my mouth is able to form words and I realize Ax still has a hold of my wrist.

His thumb brushes over a thin white scar along my wrist before letting go. I go to head inside but this time it’s Eli that stops me.

“Hey, wait,” he says as I get into the kitchen.

“Leave me alone, I don’t even know you.”

He flashes a sad smile to me. “I’m Eli. Nice to meet you.”

I roll my eyes but chuckle despite myself. “You know what I mean, jackass.”

He grins. “Got you to smile though, didn’t I?”

“Thanks,” I offer with a forced smile and turn at the sound of Bianca’s footsteps.

“My dad’s already looking into it.”

“Into what?” Asher asks, as he and Ax join us.

“Girl talk,” I lie and head towards my room and grab a hold of Bianca to ensure she follows.

I’m grateful when the guys stay in the kitchen and as we enter my room Bianca practically falls over laughing. “Who the hell did this to you?”

I groan. “It’s horrible, I know.”

“Brilliant idea!” She says with excitement. “Let’s go! Hurry and change!”

She helps herself to clothes from my closet and throws a new sundress at me. I slide on sandals and follow her back down the stairs. Edgar eyes us as we head out the front door. “Need a ride anywhere, Miss Kate?”

“I can drive!” Bianca calls to him.

“The fuck you can,” Eli yells from the front door. “They’ve been drinking. Give them a ride,” he tells Edgar, who nods in return.

“You don’t get to give him orders you dick,” I snap at him. “And try some manners,” I add with irritation at anyone ordering Edgar around. With a second thought, I cave as I glance at Bianca. “She has been drinking, though. Do you mind giving us a ride?”

Edgar smiles brightly. “Of course not.”

Bianca thanks him with a tight hug that almost knocks him over before we climb into the back of Edgar’s car. Three hours of shopping later, we have paint and all new bedroom decor.

“I owe you,” I tell her as we unload it all into my bedroom. “Literally. How much was it?”

“Welcome home present,” she says, brushing it off.

I sigh but make a mental note to find a way to get a hold of one of my dad’s credit cards. We move everything away from one of the walls and only manage to finish one coat of the gray paint before calling it quits.

“As soon as I get more information from my dad, I’ll call you ok?” She promises with a hug at the doorway.

I thank her as she leaves, the alcohol now nonexistent in her system, and close the front door behind her. “Miss Kate?” I hear and turn to see Rhonda. “I’m heading out but there are freshly made pizzas in the fridge. Heating instructions are on them. And there are some premade lasagnas and wings in the freezer for this weekend. I will be back Monday morning.”

“You're a lifesaver. Thank you so much.”

She smiles brightly and I stop her once more before she leaves as my doctor’s words (or I guess ex-doctor now) ring in my ear.

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