Page 111 of Saving Kate

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He doesn’t give the words time to even register in my head as he pulls me to him and his lips crush mine. My hands grip his chest with the intention of pushing him away. But his tongue brushes my bottom lip and I moan as I pull his body to mine. My mouth opens, inviting him in and he lifts me off the ground. My legs wrap around his waist as he leads me to the bed, never letting his mouth leave mine.

His body pins mine to the bed as he kisses me with every ounce of his emotions feeding into the kiss. He never pushes to go further than devouring my mouth and by the time we pull apart, I can feel my lips throbbing.

“Ax,” I start, but he shakes his head as he rests his forehead against mine.

“Please,” he whispers as his voice breaks. “Let me be the one that gets to hold you tonight.”

I should tell him no. I should demand he tell me what’s going on. Demand that he tell me why they have been gone ‘til almost morning and more importantly, what has him acting this way. But I just nod, because the truth is, I want his arms around me. He moves away from my body, leaving me feeling cold and empty, as he pulls his shirt up over his head and pulls the blankets up over me. He climbs in beside me, pulling me toward him, and my head rests on his chest.

I feel him kiss the top of my head as his hand holds mine firmly to his chest. I fight to stay awake, not wanting to waste a moment laying here like this with him. Not sure what is going to happen in the morning. But his hand strokes my hair and I fall asleep listening to the pounding of his heartbeat.

When I wake up the bed is empty.

The only proof that last night was not a dream is the bruised feeling of my lips. I shower and change into a sundress before taking a calming breath as I stare at my closed door.

Whatever happens, I won’t let it break me, I tell myself.

I won’t.

I find the guys in the kitchen drinking coffee and am surprised to see they aren’t alone. Red, Lucky, Colt, and another guy who’s name I vaguely remember being Jagger, have made themselves at home in the kitchen as well. Colt briefly eyes me before turning back to his laptop, seeming out of place compared to the other guys. He is every bit as terrifying as the others but he seems better at hiding it with his quiet demeanor and the fact he is lacking a huge viper tattoo on his neck.

“Morning,” Asher smiles at me but the smile doesn’t meet his eyes. “Come sit.”

Well, fuck.

My stomach twists. I sit down and pull my thumb nail into my mouth. Eli sits beside me, his hand gripping my thigh as he gives me a reassuring smile.

“Anyone want to fill me in?” I hesitate, and my eyes land on Ax.

His face is unreadable. But my body aches, remembering his arms around me only hours ago.

“Someone has been trying to hack into our security system here at the house,” Ax tells me.

“Trying and failing because I designed the program myself,” Colt snickers.

“We located the guy and questioned him last night,” Ax continues.

Questioned. From the sound of it, that doesn’t seem like just a sit down discussion.

“He was hired by the same guy that runs the Valley Hill facility, along with some other facilities,” Ax sighs.

“How did you find him?”

Ax’s jaw tenses.

“He was a good hacker,” Eli tells me. “But a sloppy hit man.”

“Hit man?!” I ask, confused, and my throat dries.

“He killed Doctor Wilson,” Eli sighs. “She had been looking into them and they must have found out.”

My chest tightens. Doctor Wilson was the first doctor that actually listened or cared enough to help me. Truly help me. I shake my head angrily.

“This is all my fault.”

“No,” Asher snaps. “It’s not.”

“It’s your dad's fault,” Ax says, and I see his hands clench into a fist on the table.
