Page 113 of Saving Kate

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“Axel Senior is a piece of shit that only looks out for himself. Don’t you lump us in with him.”

“Right, his son is just the new ringleader playing around with daddy’s toy to entertain himself,” I spit, glaring at Ax.

“Fuck you, Kate. You know that’s not what’s happening here,” Ax shouts at me as he stands so fast his chair falls over.

“Actually, I don’t know what the hell is happening here. Except that I don’t trust you. Any of you. And I’m not staying here.”

I’m halfway up the first flight of stairs when someone grabs my elbow. I don’t even care who it is. I turn and swing just like the guys had me practicing and I manage to connect with the side of Asher’s face. He grunts but his grip on me tightens.

“I’d be proud if that didn’t hurt like a bitch,” he mutters.

“Let me go, Asher.”

“Kate, you are mad right now and not thinking straight.”

“No,” I laugh, shaking my head. “Not thinking straight would be staying here with you psychos. I’m leaving.”

“I’m not letting you leave,” I hear, and spot Ax in the foyer looking up at us.

“Unless you plan to drug me again—”

“Enough!” Eli shouts desperately. “Get the fuck back down to the table so we can finish telling you what’s going on and work out a plan.”

I raise an eyebrow in surprise at Eli being the one shouting at me. Asher takes advantage of my surprise and drags me back to the kitchen.

“We located your dad and Mary Mae,” Asher says, and he stands in the entryway blocking me from leaving the kitchen. “We are having them brought to the warehouse to see if we can find out more on who exactly is after you.”

“Lovely. Sounds like fun,” I mutter.

“My dad is also out of prison,” Ax says, eyeing me. “He has been asking to talk to you.”

“He can kiss my ass.”

Ax smirks and shakes his head. “He wants to be reassured you are aware of the deal your mom made.”

“How sweet, sounds like the perfect in-law dinner.”

“God, would you shut up?” Ax sighs.

“Enough,” Red says, and Ax glares at him. “Axel has been gone for three years and in his mind he’s coming back to lead the Vipers with a huge payday two years away. I, for one, have no intention of us moving backwards after these last three years Ax has been leading.”

“Agreed,” Jagger snickers. “My girl is loving not worrying about our place being raided anymore.”

“Axel is a money hungry jackass but some of the other guys are still going to go right back to following him,” Lucky says, and then he glances at me. “We at least need him on the same page when it comes to the girl.”

Red nods. “You gotta tell him everything. Get him and his guys to agree to fixing the mess her dad got her in.”

It's irritating being talked about like I’m not even in the room and I am two seconds from screaming that I don’t want any of their help when Colt speaks up.

“They got her dad,” he says, glancing up from his phone. “He and Mary Mae are at the warehouse.”

“Continue working on tracking the other leads,” Eli tells him. “Stephen can sweat it out for a bit. Let’s go see your dad,” he says, nodding at Ax.

Everyone stands and Asher eyes me as though waiting for me to follow. I find myself laughing hysterically.

“You’re joking right? I’m not going with you.”

“Yes, you are,” Ax snaps. “Let’s go.”
