Page 114 of Saving Kate

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“Bite me!”

Jagger chuckles and shakes his head. “Aren’t wives supposed to be obedient—”

He’s cut off by Eli grabbing the collar of his shirt and shoving him against the wall.

“It was a joke;chill the fuck out!” Jagger yells at him.

“Learn to keep your mouth shut,” Eli snarls, and lets go of him as he stomps from the house.

“You all need to direct your anger at the right fucking people,” Jagger mutters as his eyes scan over Eli, Asher, Ax, and me.

I grit my teeth, knowing he is right. This is a shit situation we have all gotten into and it’s all thanks to the ones that were supposed to be protecting and raising us.

I climb in the back seat of Ax’s SUV and sit as far from Asher as possible. Eli eyes me but says nothing as Ax presses the gas harder than necessary. We drive to the outskirts of town and a brick apartment building comes into view. Some kids playing basketball outside eye us, but at the sight of Ax they scatter from the hoop back into their homes.

When Red, Jagger, and Lucky pull up beside us and get out, I realize this is a bigger meet up with Ax’s dad than I had expected. The bottom floor door with a faded ‘L’ swings open and my stomach twists when I see Roy.

“Came for family dinner, little brother?” He laughs as his eyes scan everyone. “Guess we should set some more plates, huh?”

“Fuck off, Roy,” Ax mutters.

Roy’s eyes flick to me and he laughs.

“You brought your whore to share this time?” He asks Eli and Asher.

“Is that the only way you get your dick sucked? Paying for it?” I snap at him.

Eli pulls me behind him as Roy steps to us. “You wanna say that again you fuckin—”

“Shut the fuck up out here,” a man from the doorway yells. “And that’s no way to talk to your sister-in-law.”

The smirk on his face is identical to the one Ax usually wears. Except I want to punch this older version of Axel even more than I usually want to punch Axel Jr.

“You’re Kate?” Roy asks, laughing loudly.

“Better watch your next fucking words,” I hear Ax hiss at him as Axel Senior gestures for us to all come inside.

I shrug Eli’s grip off of me as I follow everyone inside. Every nerve in my body says to run rather than stand inside the crowded apartment with all these men. The broken down sofa has a throw blanket and pillow on it and Axel motions to it. “Sorry it ain’t much,” he chuckles, eyeing me. “I’m waiting to come in to some money, then I’ll fix the place up.”

“Cut the shit,” Ax warns him as he eyes me.

I’m guessing he doesn’t want to give me a chance to say anything. Red and Jagger sit at the small kitchen island on barstools while Lucky stands at the door with his arms crossed.

“So, what’s this all about? I wasn’t expecting to see the happy couple until divorce day. What’s that, about two years now, Kate?”

“Year and a few months. I’ll be counting down,” I hiss.

He laughs and shakes his head. “So feisty. You look just like your mother. Your father beat that fire out of her, glad to see you haven’t lost your spark yet.”

My stomach twists and before Ax can tell him off I shake my head. “How did you know my mom?”

Axel snorts. “We went way back. Back before she decided her shit was too good for dear old neighbor Axel and her parents sent her off to the fancy ‘find a husband’ boarding school.”

I feel my face heat up at the realization that I know so little about my own family.

“Though, I’m guessing you aren’t here for some fond memories of your mom and I,” he says with a wink that makes me want to vomit. “So, what’s the problem here, boys?”

He turns his attention back to Ax, who looks like he is doing everything he can to control his anger. If I didn’t want to kill him, I’d feel sorry for him.

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