Page 115 of Saving Kate

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“We’re making a new deal,” Ax tells him.

Axel’s humor leaves his face as he glares at his son. “You want to say that again, boy?”

“Kate’s mom made the deal for you to protect them. Meanwhile, she got murdered and Kate’s dad got her into enough shit she’s lucky she’s even still alive—”

“I don’t give a fuck about some sob stories; you entitled little shit,” he growls as he gets in Ax’s face.

“Step back before you make this the last meeting you ever have, James,” Red says from his barstool.

Despite looking calm, his eyes are deadly as he glares at Axel.

“Gone for three years and forgot your loyalty, Red?” Axel hisses.

Red stands up and for the first time I realize how large he is even compared to the others.

“Your shit is your own doing, Axel. I’ll always choose innocent women over fuckers like you.”

“Excuse me?” Axel says, turning back to face Red.

“You shouldn’t have gotten into the drug scene. You chase the money, not caring who gets fucked in the process. Now sit your ass down and listen to your son, because now your shit is fucking over Rosie’s daughter.”

Axel snorts as Roy stands up, done with being silent. “The brats trust fund is enough she won’t even miss our cut,” Roy shouts, eyeing me like he wants to kill me himself.

“Fuc—” Ax starts as he turns on his brother and I’ve finally had enough.

“I need it all,” I shout and all eyes fall on me.

“You don’t owe anyone an explanation,” Asher says softly.

“I’m done with all these lies and deals being made about my own goddamn life!” I scream at him. “My dad sold me,” I tell Axel. “I want to pay it off so they leave me alone.”

A flicker of emotion flashes on Axel's face and Roy must see it. “No,” he snaps at his dad. “That’s not on us.”

“Who the fuck is ‘us’?! You aren’t even part of this,” Ax yells, shoving his brother.

Roy reaches to his side but Eli is faster and my heart stops as he holds a gun to Roy’s head.

“That’s enough!” Axel growls. “Put the gun down, Eli.”

“Give Ax your gun,” Eli says to Roy, ignoring Axel.

Roy looks like he may take his chance and when Asher shoves me behind him, Lucky grips my elbow as though ready to run with me.

The spots start to cover my vision as the room sways. My chest is tight and I’d give anything to just scream until the world stops turning. Scream until all this bullshit just stops.

“Ax, man—” Lucky says and I shake my head as Lucky tries to keep his grip on my arm.

“Kate—” I hear someone say but it sounds like I’m under water.

The harder I fight to get out of Lucky’s grip the harder his hands dig into my elbow. The room seems to be shrinking and there’s not enough oxygen to properly fill my lungs.




