Page 137 of Saving Kate

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“It’s all my fault!” She starts sobbing. “I didn’t know! He took her!”

“Who the fuck took her!”

“Scott,” Red sighs.

“Ax! Get up here!” Eli yells from the top of the stairs.

I leave Asher to finish helping them and run up the stairs. “What did you find out?” I ask but he groans as he motions to the garage.

My heart races as I step towards the open door. Laying in a pool of blood is Edgar. “Fuck!” I scream. “What the fuck happened here! Where the fuck is Roy!”

I try calling him again as I pace the kitchen floor. It finally picks up after a few rings but it isn’t Roy that answers.


“Who the fuck is this?”

“This is Officer Johnson. I believe the person who’s phone this belongs to has been in an accident. ID shows Roy West?”

“Yes. That’s my brother. Where are you?”

“Off highway 212. We are bringing him to Mercy South. He should be okay; however, he seemed to be driving way too fast for these roads.”

“Is that my fucking phone?!” I hear my brother shouting. “Give that shit to me.”

There’s cursing and someone trying to tell Roy to sit still but he seems to ignore them and gets the phone.

“I tried following,” he tells me and I hear the anger in his voice as he hisses with pain. “I lost them. I’m sorry.”



It’s been hours since Scott took off with Kate. My chest feels like it’s going to explode. The house is chaotic. Axel Senior showed up like a fucking tornado when he heard about Roy’s accident and after Bianca, Red and Colt filled us in on everything that happened, everyone is at each other’s throats. Lucky refused to leave, getting blood everywhere while Red patched him up.

Thankfully, the bullet only grazed his shoulder.

Edgar wasn’t so lucky.

Kate unloaded all the latest details to Bianca before Colt and Roy showed up and unfortunately, they walked in at the worst possible moment. Scott had been texting someone on his phone while Kate spilled the story of her father selling her and us having him at the warehouse just as Colt walked in. Scott panicked, shot the gun off, and held it to Kate's head demanding their phones.

Ax wanted to know why they didn’t jump him considering they all outnumbered him, but we all know we’d have obeyed his commands if Kate had a gun to her head as well.

No one blames Colt.

Or Bianca.

Or even Roy, who showed up shortly after his accident hobbling with a half patched up bloody forehead after refusing medical attention and taking the ticket for speeding.

The only person to fucking blame is Scott.

“What’s Scott’s dad's name? Walker Harris?” Colt asks from his laptop.

The poor guy is on his third cup of coffee and shaking but refusing to give up on finding a way to locate Kate. I think he’s blaming himself more than anyone at the moment and is refusing to sleep until she’s found. I owe him a drink once he finds my fucking girl.

“Yes,” Bianca says quietly next to him.

She’s finally stopped crying. She got the crap beat out of her for lunging at Scott, taking the chance he wouldn’t shoot her.
