Page 26 of Saving Kate

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Ax looks like he might murder Asher. Considering the three of them are very likely part of The Viper gang, I don’t even mean that figuratively.

“Go inside,” Ax barks and it takes a minute to realize he isn’t talking to me.

I cross my arms as I stare at him, waiting for the other two guys to head in the house.

“I’m sorry.”

It’s so simple and to the point, I wonder if he’s joking for a minute. I want to still be angry but after the brunch with Eli most of my steam is gone, so I just shrug. “It’s fine.”

He eyes me surprised. “That’s it? No yelling or temper tantrums?”

I glare at him. “Are you trying to provoke one?”

He just smirks and runs a hand through his dark locks of hair that are sticking to his face with sweat. “Maybe. It’s cute when you're wound up.”

I roll my eyes. “You’re disgusting.”


I head inside, leaving the guys behind in the kitchen so I can shower and chuckle to myself when I see their doors are still sparkly pink. I take a shower and wrap myself in a towel as I pull out my phone to text Bianca.

Me: Are you alive or is it death by fucking?

I glance through my closet of clothes to find a swimsuit, grateful for whoever did my shopping when I finally find one. My phone dings and I look down laughing.

Bianca: Definitely death by fucking. It’s the only way to go.

Bianca: Busy?

Kate: I was gonna swim.

Bianca: Officially accepting the invite. We will be over soon!

Kate: Bring drinks!

I change into the yellow bikini and hum the teeny weeny polka dot bikini song to myself as I head down the stairs. I grab water from the fridge, laughing silently at the song stuck in my head.

“You losing it?” I hear and jump to see Asher behind me.

“Jesus, you scared me.”

“You scared me. Are you laughing to yourself?” He asks, raising an eyebrow and making the ring in it bounce.

I roll my eyes. “Yup. The voices in my head are hilarious.”

Asher chuckles then his face falls. “Wait, seriously?”

I throw the folded towel that’s in my arms at him. “No, you jackass.”

He grins. “I know, I was just kidding.”

I make an mhm noise to him as I head to the outside patio.

“So…” He continues as he follows me.

I groan when I realize Eli and Ax are already out here but lay my stuff down and sit at the edge of the water. My eyes stay locked on Ax so he can’t push me in again.

“If you were going on a date to Twisted Tiles with someone would you prefer me or Eli?” Asher asks, grinning brightly at me.
