Page 31 of Saving Kate

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“Excuse me?” I choke on my coffee.

“I’m definitely not redoing your bathroom without you fixing the doors first.”

“Wait, what?”

Ax sighs. “No more drinking if hangovers make you this slow.”

I glare at him but he just grins.

“That’s the deal. Take it or leave it.”

I wanna wipe that smug, gorgeous, grin off his face.

“What makes you think I want the bathroom redone? Maybe Ilovemy bathroom.”

“You’re a horrible liar, Katie.”

I frown at him. “It’s Kate. And fine, I definitely want to blow up that bathroom. I tried asking my dad to give me his card but he couldn’t be bothered. I can pay you back in two years. Start me a tab?” I chuckle.

His dark eyes scan my face before he turns to Edgar. “Take her to town to buy whatever. But only after she buys the paint for the doors.”

He leaves the room without another word and I roll my eyes. “I think he meant to say please and thank you,” I chuckle but Edgar just smiles softly to me. “I’ll go tell Bee and be right back. Thank you, Edgar!”

I gag when I walk in on Scott and Bianca on top of one another. “Seriously! Don’t make me burn my sheets. Cut it out.”

Bianca squeaks as Scott just laughs. They quickly pull apart and get dressed, heading out the same time I leave with Edgar.

By the time I get back, my stomach is growling. “You need to have more than just coffee,” Edgar warns me and I frown at him as we climb the stairs to the house.

Sorry. Mansion. This place really is a ridiculous size. I wonder if Ax is compensating for something…

My cheeks warm and I shake any more thoughts about what Ax has underneath his clothes from my head.

“I know, I know. I’m working on it,” I promise Edgar as he helps me start to lug the bags up the stairs towards my room.

“Do you want me to have Rhonda get anything special for you? You used to like those peanut butter crackers or the microwave hot pockets?”

“You remember that?” I ask surprised and he smiles warmly at me.

“You lived on that for quite some time after your mother passed. I know there have been many changes. I just want to be sure you are taking care of yourself despite all these adjustments.”

I put the bags down on the landing of the stairs and wrap my arms around him.

“You’re an amazing man, you know that?”

He chuckles and rubs my back gently. “You are too kind.”

The top of the stairs brings to view the three guys as they finish putting drop sheets at their doors.

“As much as I rock the glitter babe, I appreciate being included in this redecorating,” Asher winks at me.

“How do you know I didn’t just buy purple this time?” I ask with a smirk and Eli glares at me. “Kidding,” I promise as I hold my hands up in surrender.

“You got what you need for the bathroom?” Ax asks, eyeing the bags.

“Yeah, thanks,” I tell him awkwardly, wishing I had some rude comment just to piss him off.

But in all honesty, I appreciate the gesture. It has been so long since I had my own space, let alone got to decorate it, after sharing an all white room with two other girls for the last four years.
