Page 35 of Saving Kate

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“Enjoy your joy ride?” I hear and turn to see Ax glaring at us from the garage where he and Eli seem to be working on one of the shiny black sports cars.

How many cars do these guys have? And where the hell do they keep them all?

“Absolutely,” Asher grins.

“New jacket?” Ax asks as his eyes flick to me and my face flushes, still feeling guilty about the hundreds of dollars Asher dropped on the helmet and leather jacket.

Asher wraps an arm around my shoulder making me tense. “Yup, she needs something that fits right for all the upcoming joy rides we have awaiting us. Right, baby doll?”

I roll my eyes as I step out from his arm. “I will pay you back,” I say softly but he shakes his head.

“No you won’t,” he chuckles and leans in to whisper in my ear. “The angry look on Ax’s face is more than enough of a payment.”

I laugh as Ax scowls at us.

“Quit the games. I need you to head down to the warehouse.”

It suddenly falls silent and the tension in the air confuses me as I eye all three of them. “Got it,” Asher says with a nod before heading inside.

“That’s eerily suspicious. What’s the warehouse?” I ask but before Eli can answer, Ax shakes his head.

“None of your business, princess. You’ve got your doctor coming in an hour.”

I frown at him but say nothing as I head inside to change.

What a damn buzzkill.

I hear the doorbell ring throughout the house as I’m pulling my long hair into a braid and head to the door just as Eli pulls it open.

“Doctor Hufford?” Eli asks and I hear a man reply with a yes.

The short stocky bald man comes in the door and his eyes find me quickly. I’m not quite sure what I did to this man but he looks like I’ve already pissed him off.




“I don’t like him,” Eli tells me, and I shoot him a dirty look.

I wouldn’t put it past Katelyn's dad to hire some piece of shit doctor. I haven’t quite figured out all their lies, or how deep in it she is, but for one reason or another she is involved. I’m going to find out why one way or another.

“Turn the sound on,” I tell him pointing to the security feed coming through the computer screen.

“So much for doctor patient confidentiality,” he mutters and I shoot him a dirty look.

“I kept it off last time, didn’t I? You said it yourself. This one rubs me the wrong way and I want to fucking hear what they are saying.”

He nods. Even if it’s a dick move to listen in on Kate's appointment, I’ll just add it to the list of other things she's going to be pissed off at me for.

And then file it into the bucket of shit I don’t care about.

“Tell me about your time at Valley Hill,” the doctor says as the sound comes on.

Eli quickly writes down the name of the facility. We have been searching everywhere and have come up empty on all our searches after her dropping the bomb on us of where she’s been the last four years.

“I’d rather not,” I hear Kate say through a clenched jaw and I fight back a chuckle at her response.
